Title: Space Exploration
badly_knittedCharacters: Jack, Ianto.
Rating: PG
Written For: Challenge 849: Rare at
Spoilers: Nada.
Summary: Jack and Ianto find exploring out on the rim of known space much more interesting than hauling cargo.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Torchwood, or the characters.
A/N: Triple drabble. Set in my Ghost of a Chance ‘Verse.
Most of what Jack and Ianto did these days involved transporting cargo of all descriptions from one planet or space station to another. Occasionally they’d carry passengers as well, since the Happy Wanderer had a few small cabins and one more spacious one that weren’t in use, accommodations for the crew they didn’t have, but they were primarily cargo hauliers, and financially they did well with it, seldom needing to touch their considerable savings.
Once in a while though, when they got tired of flying back and forth along regular trade routes, they’d take on a more lucrative exploration assignment, searching for deposits of rare minerals in sectors that, as far as anyone knew, had yet to be visited by any sentient race, let alone mapped.
It could be dangerous work, although less so for two immortals than it would be for anyone else, but it was also exciting, eye-opening, and it made for a welcome change of pace. Their task was to map a precisely defined sector, explore any planets, moons, or asteroids within that area where conditions were liveable, and tag any that could be colonised by one or more of the major races, or otherwise exploited for raw materials.
The most interesting part of the job, at least from Ianto and Jack’s point of view, was the chance to discover new races, most of which had not yet developed space travel, and some of which had yet to evolve any significant degree of intelligence. All living species, by order of the Shadow Proclamation, had the right to evolve at their own pace, without undue influence from more advanced races.
Life out on the rim was less common than it was near the Galactic core, but that just made each new lifeform they discovered all the more precious.
The End