It takes talent to sing on-key, but it takes even more talent to sing off-key and make it sound good .. it also usually requires being accompanied by a trombone.
I find it very difficult to sing off key. I often also find it difficult to go flat with the rest of the ensemble if they are doing so. Maybe carrying a pet trombonist with me would remedy that.
I do the same thing on birthday songs and the like. No one wants to hear a silvery soprano singing "happy biiiiirthday dear mortimer". So I shout it out and get points for volume.
It was kind of funny on Sunday... Shawn and I were sitting in the foyer after first service and second service was going... we could hear worship in the family room and worship in the children's area going on at the same time. I said to Shawn, "I hope it sounds better than this when it gets to God." ;) Shawn said, "It's good that God can do more than one thing at a time." It's good that God knows how to listen. ;)
Comments 7
(shhh! I'm at work >:P)
It's my specialty. Drives my best friend and my mom nuts =D They always say, "You have such a beautiful voice, WHY DO YOU DO THAT?"
I dunno... I just like to make peoples' ears bleed when I'm singing the Happy Birthday song. So sue me!
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