Music to My Ears - (Part 1/2)
May 13 2012, 18:42:42 UTC
So, this isn't great and is actually my first time filling a prompt, but after I saw this prompt all of these words sort of just happened at 1am. So, sorry if it's awful
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Music to My Ears - (Part 2/2)
May 13 2012, 18:43:16 UTC
It became a ritual to them. And Souji never complained when he got tangled up in the wires or when they would have to stop because the cord unplugged itself and Yosuke would start hyperventilating. Yosuke thought it was because Souji was just too kind to say anything and, at first, that had been true
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Re: Music to My Ears - (Part 2/2)
May 15 2012, 21:03:41 UTC
I...I can't decide whether I want to squeal, jump up and down, or just stare in awe. went into my head an pulled out exactly what I wanted. The way you described the details of the headphones, the rhythms of the music, the quality of the sound, the aesthetics of everything, even the language (not to mention the pricey habit it is)...hit everything RIGHT on the head for me. <3 God I have no words...I can't thank you enough! ;A; (seriously, are you in my head or something? You completely nailed my headphone addiction and desperate need for music, right down to the language used X3) And you hit my favorite kink with Souji getting turned on by Yosuke wearing headphones too. <3 And that's EXACTLY how I feel with music, with the way Souji reacted to Yosuke letting use his headphones. >w< Everything just flowed so beautifully... TTwTT
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Re: Music to My Ears - (Part 2/2)
May 26 2012, 01:43:27 UTC
Well, I wasn't expecting this. I'm so super glad you loved it. I was actually afraid it wouldn't be what you wanted. Your comment is making me so happy, it's just so ridiculously flattering. Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement, I'll definitely keep filling. (You can keep your future children and your soul, though I wouldn't ssay no to those cookies.)
Re: Music to My Ears - (Part 2/2)
July 2 2012, 06:45:43 UTC
omg this was so cute aaaaaaahhh <3 i wear my headphones practically everywhere so i can definitely sympathize with yosuke here. still, the fact that he gets so nervous around souji that he HAS to keep them on is just.... omg. what a good fic.
I...I can't decide whether I want to squeal, jump up and down, or just stare in awe. went into my head an pulled out exactly what I wanted. The way you described the details of the headphones, the rhythms of the music, the quality of the sound, the aesthetics of everything, even the language (not to mention the pricey habit it is)...hit everything RIGHT on the head for me. <3 God I have no words...I can't thank you enough! ;A; (seriously, are you in my head or something? You completely nailed my headphone addiction and desperate need for music, right down to the language used X3) And you hit my favorite kink with Souji getting turned on by Yosuke wearing headphones too. <3 And that's EXACTLY how I feel with music, with the way Souji reacted to Yosuke letting use his headphones. >w< Everything just flowed so beautifully... TTwTT ( ... )
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