most of you know how much i love Wisconsin, but here's some more WI-centric love to solidify that idea in your mind.
the following is from
The Bratwurst Pages 12) Don't ridicule our manners. We only speak when spoken to. We hold doors open for others. We offer our seats to old folks because such things are expected of civilized people. Behave yourselves around our sweet, little gray-haired grandmothers or they will kick some manners into your ass just like they did ours. (Note to foreigners: This is totally true. We learn these good habits early on. I know I was slapped a few times by Grandma Baehman for not following these rules. More than once, in church.)
brandy: A word used more in Wisconsin than anywhere in the world. Brandy is distilled wine. 90% of brandy consumed in the U.S. is consumed in Wisconsin. Brandy Old-Fashioned, Brandy Manhattan, and so on. Yes, if you ask for an Old-Fashioned or Manhattan in Wisconsin, you will get a Brandy Old-Fashioned or Brandy Manhattan. (Brandy is also the most consumed alcoholic beverage in WI. We are also the #1 drinking and driving state. Cause no one here really has a designated driver, we just have the least-drunk driver.)
Pop vs. Soda is not solely a WI issue. What do you call it? If you call all caffeinated, carbonated beverages Coke regardless of brand or flavor, we have a problem. I'm looking at you
carma_baby. I know you're from... the South.
wit': with
yah: yes
yah yah: I heard you the first time (said to nagging spouse)
13) So you think we're quaint or losers because most of us live on the farm or in the woods? That's because we have enough sense to not live in filthy, smelly, crime-infested cesspools like New York or LA. Make fun of our fresh air and we'll kick your ass. (Note from the girl who spends a lot of time in a conservational science museum: Also, don't mock WI in general because we have another thing that you unfortunate bastards will use up in the first couple years of global warming. That's drinking water, bitches! It's the next war-starting item of the modern world. First it was minerals, like diamonds and pearls, then it was rubber, then oil dominated the 20th Century, but in the 21st, its still going to be oil, but much more importantly, water. And we've got aquifers and access the Great Lakes. Now only if we can stop contaminating our aquifers, we'll be peachy.)
10) Don't talk about how much better things are at home because we know better. Many of us have visited big-city hell-holes like Detroit, New York and Chicago, and we have the scars to prove it. If you don't like it here, interstate 90, 94 and 43 are ready when you are. Move your ass on home before it gets kicked. (Kyle and I got our car stolen in Chicago.)
And, of course,
RECIPES!!! And the larger list of this is at the aforementioned Bratwurst Pages, but also at the Facebook group, You know you're from Wisconsin, if..., of which,
freerangedorito and I are members. Here are some items that qualify me for the list personally.
You can make sense out the words upnort and Trivers. (Our old Cabin was upnort by Trivers and Conover.)
The local paper covers national and international headlines on one page, but requires six pages for sports.
Down South to you means Chicago.
You know several people who have hit a deer.
Your school classes were cancelled because of cold.
You can gauge the depth of your relationship by the number of fingers your friends use to wave to you as you pass by on the road. (
freerangedorito and I were just talking about this the other day. One finger off the steering wheel is just polite. You do that to passers-by as you're driving somewhere, though women aren't expected to do this, men are. Two fingers is for a neighbor or someone else you see frequently but don't really like. Your whole hand shot outwards, much like a Nazi salute, is for family members and old friends. And an active wave back and forth, is for really good friends and people you love.)
You measure distance in minutes. (7 minutes to
freerangedorito's and
cataterpillar's house. 45 minutes to
kris_anne_'s. 20 minutes to Appleton. 30 minutes to my sister's.)
You end your sentences with an unnecessary preposition. Example: Where's my coat at?" or "If you go to town, I wanna go with."
All the festivals across the state are named after a fruit, vegetable, grain, or animal.
You install security lights on your house and garage and then leave both doors unlocked.
A brat is something you eat.
You can actually pronounce Oconomowoc.
You can recognize someone from Illinois or Iowa by their driving.
You can visit Luxemburg, Holland, Belgium, Denmark, Berlin, New London, Poland all in one afternoon. (I actually live really close to this area. It's only 5 minutes to New London for me. Not that I'd want to go. Its a shit-hole.)
At least twice a year, your kitchen doubles as a meat processing plant. (Also, a cannery.)
You have to drive thirty minutes to the nearest movie theater. (It's 25 minutes, really, but still.)
You know it's traditional for the bride and groom to go bar hopping between the ceremony and the reception. (We did at my sister's wedding.)
You can hear the words "Uff da!" without bursting into laughter.
You have ever been to State Street in Madison during a protest of something.
You drive 65 miles per hour through snow without flinching. (With a broken windshield.)
And just because:
Also, before I go. Just want to let you all know. It's April 12, 2008. And it's snowing.
~love from WI