never letting go of hands
baekhyun/chen (chingu-line more than baekchen tbh)
Baekhyun sighs. “Jongdae?”
“This is awkward.” Baekhyun tries to shift underneath him, but Jongdae doesn’t give him much room to move.
Jongdae huffs. “I am trying,” he says, crankily.
Baekhyun waits, but his neck is really starting to ache. “It’s just― is it supposed to be this hard? Don’t you just bite?”
Jongdae pulls back and scowls. “I don’t know how to work these fangs, okay? And how do we know it’s my fangs? Maybe it’s your neck.”
Baekhyun shoves him away. “There is nothing wrong with my neck. Maybe you have like…starter fangs or something? You know, for training.”
Jongdae looks at him, scathingly. “Why would vampires need training fangs? It’s not science, you just bite down.”
Baekhyun shrugs. “You’re just not very good at it is all,” he mumbles. “I mean, I’m pretty sure you’re supposed to be sucking my blood right now, not making out with my neck.”
“You've never had a problem with me making out with your neck before,” Jongdae pouts, before he pokes at his fangs with his index finger. They feel pointy. He turns to glare at his boyfriend. “And how dare you. I am a very formidable vampire! Humans fear me!”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “No one really knows you’re a vampire, so they don’t really have anything to be scared of. And you don’t seem to be able to inflict much damage anyway.”
“Shut up.” Jongdae crosses his arms over his chest and sulks in silence.
Baekhyun is the one to break the silence. “How did you get the one to be bitten?” he complains. “I like biting stuff too. Your teeth were more useful when you were human.”
Jongdae stares at him icily. “I wasn’t aware that turning into a supernatural creature that needs to drink blood to survive was on your bucket list.”
“It wasn’t, but you’re a vampire now. You get eternal life and what do I get? A boyfriend who can’t even bite down on my neck. Biting is our foreplay, Jongdae. How are you going to turn me on when you can't even bite me to feed yourself to survive? And I have to turn old and get wrinkles. And die.”
“I can turn you,” Jongdae says as if this is an appropriate apology.
“You can’t even bite me right now, how are you going to turn me?”
“You’re being a bitch, you know,” Jongdae finally says. “I’m not even human anymore. I’m dead. I mean, technically I’m dead. I’m the walking dead all because I offered to help our stupid best friend, who I thought was drunk. How was I supposed to know Chanyeol is a fucking vampire? I didn’t know offering to help meant he was going to drink my blood. And now I’m this thing. And my boyfriend is an unsympathetic asshole.”
They fall quiet again and after a few moments, Baekhyun shifts closer and slides his hand into Jongdae’s, lacing their fingers together. He hates that Jongdae feels colder than usual. It’s not a huge temperature change, but Baekhyun notices it.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I don’t know how to help. All I can think of is offering to let you feed off me, but you can’t…I mean, there are…umm, technical difficulties in that area.”
Jongdae lets out a whine before he buries his face in Baekhyun’s neck. “I’m starving,” he complains.
Baekhyun pats him on the back. “I know. But I don’t know what I can do for you right now.”
Jongdae pulls away and looks him over. “Isn’t there a scab you can pick or something?”
Baekhyun gives him a disgusted look. “I think it’s time to go see Chanyeol. Maybe he can figure out why you’re the lamest vampire ever. Maybe it’s because he’s your maker? I mean, Chanyeol’s pretty lame so maybe that’s why your vampire’y powers are flukey too?”
Jongdae looks at him doubtfully. “Maybe.”
“Come on,” Baekhyun says, helping him up. “And if he can’t help, I’ll just stake him.”
Chanyeol looks much too happy to see the two of them when he opens the door. This wouldn’t annoy Baekhyun so much because he’s used to Chanyeol’s dopey smile whenever the three of them are together. But Chanyeol’s dopey smile is directed at Jongdae now as he drags him inside
“Fledgling!” Chanyeol says it with so much giddiness that Baekhyun thinks he might actually stake him.
There’s a strangled choke and Baekhyun is surprised to see Kyungsoo there. He wonders if Kyungsoo knows that Chanyeol is a vampire. He’d probably be horrified. Prim and proper Kyungsoo, friends with a vampire. Well, vampires because- Jongdae. Even if he is currently probably the lamest vampire in existence.
“Jongdae is your fledgling?” Kyungsoo glares at Chanyeol. “Really, Chanyeol? This is who you chose to turn? Eternal life with Jongdae? That really sounded like a good idea to you?”
Wait. What?
“What? Jongdae’s cool. I like him. He’s more fun than you,” Chanyeol says, squeezing Jongdae’s shoulders. “The bite is a gift, Jongdae. We’re brothers now.”
Jongdae stares at him. “Are you fucking quoting Teen Wolf to me right now?”
Chanyeol grins. “It totally works for this situation, right?”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes. It’s not bad enough that his boyfriend is a vampire. No, his boyfriend is a vampire and his maker is Park fucking Chanyeol.
“You know?” Baekhyun asks Kyungsoo. Weren’t vampires secretive? Although it’s Chanyeol and Jongdae, so it’s not really surprising that they told Kyungsoo.
Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. “Stupid human.”
Baekhyun blinks. What?
“Kyungsoo turned me,” Chanyeol says helpfully.
Baekhyun gapes at him. “You’re Chanyeol’s maker?”
Kyungsoo curls his lip disdainfully. “Don’t be so archaic, Baekhyun. The proper word is sire. Yes, I sired Chanyeol. It was…a very unfortunate incident.”
“I’m pretty sure they used maker in Buffy,” Baekhyun insists.
“Yes, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer is not a fictional TV show about vampires,” Kyungsoo deadpans.
“So you’re like…head vampire?”
Kyungsoo bristles and a pained look passes across his face. “If you mean I know more than Chanyeol, then yes.”
Baekhyun shrugs. “Fine. Your stupid baby vampire-”
“Fledgling,” Kyungsoo corrects.
“I don’t care-”
“You should, your boyfriend is also a fledgling, not a baby vampire.” Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow when Baekhyun huffs in impatience. “You know, you’re very insolent considering you’re the only human in the room.”
Baekhyun rolls his eyes. “Your fledgling bit Jongdae wrong.”
Chanyeol and Kyungsoo stare at him.
“There’s no wrong way to bite someone,” Chanyeol says. “You just drain their blood and then let them drink your blood.”
“He drank your blood?” Baekhyun screeches. “I’m going to stake you in the ass.”
Chanyeol grins. “Kinky,” and Baekhyun really is going to fucking stake this asshole, even if he is his best friend.
“Someone feed me,” Jongdae whines.
Chanyeol glances at Kyungsoo. “Right? I can’t have done it incorrectly.”
Kyungsoo makes a face. “There haven’t been any documented cases of a vampire biting someone the wrong way, because the human either turns or dies. But I suppose if anyone created a special circumstance it would be you.”
“See?” Baekhyun pulls Jongdae away from Chanyeol’s hold. “I told you it was Chanyeol’s fault.”
“I executed everything just the way Kyungsoo taught me,” Chanyeol insists. “I left the mark where no one would notice and everything.”
“But I can’t feed,” Jongdae complains.
Kyungsoo looks perplexed. “What?”
“He can’t bite,” Baekhyun says. “I mean, that can’t be right. Vampires bite. That’s your thing. You bite. Why can’t he bite? I’m willingly letting him feed on me, and he still can’t do anything.”
“You make it sound like I’m impotent,” Jongdae says crossly. “I’m not impotent.” He turns to Chanyeol. “I mean, right? I can still have sex? Please tell me I can still have sex.”
Baekhyun hadn’t thought about that. He’s going to be really pissed off if he doesn’t at least get some really hot vampire sex out of this.
“You can have sex,” Kyungsoo says, rolling his eyes.
Baekhyun thinks of something else. “Wait, if you’re Chanyeol’s sire and Chanyeol turned Jongdae, and Jongdae turns me-”
“How is that ever going to happen?” Jongdae mumbles unhappily. Chanyeol pats him on the shoulder and he bites down on Chanyeol’s hand, and of course, nothing happens.
“Does that mean I’m at the bottom of the vampire chain?”
Kyungsoo snickers. “Baby fledgling Byun Baekhyun. It’ll be cute.”
“But I’m the oldest!” Baekhyun complains. “How can I be the last one turned?”
Kyungsoo scoffs. “Excuse me, you irrelevant human, I’m the oldest.”
“Uhh, excuse me, bitch, but you are 21. The rest of us are 22.”
Kyungsoo sends him a patronizing smile. “Would you like to know for how long I’ve been 21?”
“Hella long,” Chanyeol says.
Baekhyun wrinkles his nose. “That would explain why you always sound like a grumpy ass old man, dropping words like archaic into the conversation.”
“I’m sorry that being an educated person is something you find so offensive.”
“Can you fix him?” Baekhyun points a finger at where Jongdae is nibbling fruitlessly on Chanyeol’s wrist.
“There’s nothing wrong with him,” Kyungsoo says waving a hand dismissively. “He just doesn’t really want to bite you.”
“Yes, I do,” Jongdae says, mid-bite. “Baekhyun smells really good.”
Kyungsoo rolls his eyes. “That’s your human side talking. You don’t really want to bite Baekhyun because first blood makes the change official.” He turns back to Baekhyun. “He’ll bite you when he’s really hungry.”
“He seems hungry now,” Chanyeol says. Jongdae has moved on to biting down uselessly on his arm.
“Don’t be dumb, Chanyeol,” Kyungsoo says impatiently. “It took you awhile too. You know the real hunger is completely different to what he’s feeling now.”
Chanyeol pouts at him before he turns back to Jongdae. “You’re lucky I’m a nicer sire,” he says, running a hand through his hair. “Kyungsoo is an asshole sire.”
“Asshole in general,” Jongdae mumbles, and both of them snicker quietly.
Kyungsoo rolls his eyes again. “Fucking fledglings.”
Baekhyun gives him a funny look. “Why’d you turn Chanyeol? I can’t imagine that spending eternity with Chanyeol is your idea of a good time.”
“I actually meant to kill him,” Kyungsoo says, frowning. “He was being an annoying shit and I just decided I had enough. But he kept looking at me while I was draining him of his blood. It’s unnerving when your food looks at you.”
“I’m not food,” Chanyeol says.
“No, you’re not,” Kyungsoo agrees. “You’re an insolent little fledgling who makes very bad decisions. Like turning Jongdae. I was looking forward to outliving them, and now I'm stuck with you and the two of them.”
Chanyeol beams at him. “I’d like to think of myself as precocious.”
“And I’d like to think I have a fledgling who knows not to interrupt me when I’m talking.”
Chanyeol pulls a face. “What did I tell you?” he says to Jongdae.
“So…are you good vampires?” Baekhyun asks.
“What’s with the third degree?” Kyungsoo demands.
“If I’m going to be one of you, I want to know what I’m getting into. Am I supposed to go around killing humans? Or feeding off them?”
Kyungsoo scoffs. “I don’t like people enough to talk to them, let alone suck their blood. We can eat animals. I’d rather not. Chanyeol and I get a supply from the butcher’s shop.”
Baekhyun wrinkles his nose. “The butcher’s shop? That’s gross.”
“What? Would you rather we go hunt bunnies and kittens and puppies?”
“No puppies,” Jongdae says, pulling away from Chanyeol’s arm. “We are not drinking puppy blood. I would rather die.”
“You will die if you don’t start feeding on someone,” Kyungsoo says.
“Why do you have to be an asshole?” Baekhyun demands. “Who said anything about bunnies and kittens? Do you want to go after unicorns too? Why can’t we just hunt like…lions and shit?”
“Really? You want to go up against a lion?” Kyungsoo sighs as he rubs his temples. “And why do you keep saying we? You are still a human.”
Baekhyun huffs. “You turn me then.”
“What? No,” Jongdae whines at the same time that Kyungsoo sneers and says, “Don’t make me sick. Chanyeol was bad enough.”
“I’m a lovely fledgling,” Chanyeol insists.
“Oh my god.” Kyungsoo looks pained as a thought occurs to him.
“Are you allowed to say that?” Baekhyun asks. “God? Don’t you like…melt or something if you say that?”
“Oh my god.” Kyungsoo looks even more pained now. “Chanyeol sired Jongdae. Jongdae is going to sire you. And I’m fucking stuck with all of you, because I sired Chanyeol. You guys…you’re going to be my coven. Oh my god, two hundred and twenty years without a coven and this is the one I end up with.”
“Eww,” Baekhyun wrinkles his nose. “Two hundred and twenty? Why are you hanging around with us? Creep.”
“I should just kill myself now,” Kyungsoo says, ignoring him. “This is my coven. For eternity.”
Chanyeol lets out a yelp and interrupts his mourning. “He bit me!” he complains, and gives Jongdae a wounded look. “You bit me.”
“You bit me first,” Jongdae shoots back before he realizes that he bit Chanyeol. He looks up triumphantly. “I bit him!” He bounces over to Baekhyun and throws his arms around his neck. “Look, baby.” He bares his teeth at him, and his fangs do look a little sharper now. “I can suck your blood now.”
“My fledgling is going to sire someone,” Chanyeol says proudly.
Kyungsoo stares at them blankly as Chanyeol claps his hands loudly and Baekhyun falls down under Jongdae's weight. Worst. Coven. Ever.