Adventures in Linux: I can has multiple desktops?! (Part 3...I think)

Aug 05, 2008 13:09

Wiki // OS associated with KDE

KDE was created as an easy-to-use point and click environment. And Linus, the man who kicked off the Open Source Revolution, actually prefers this release over the others.

I would say that this is PERFECT for the newly converted from vista. Why? The interface itself looks and kind of works similar to Vista. So it wouldn't be a culture shock to the end user. Instead of the familiar Window Icon where start used to be there's a cog with a K. There's also widgets you can put on the desktop, very much like Vista.

The thing that got to me with KDE was the rich graphics, obviously. But I was also suprsied as to how incredibly easy to navigate through. With the rich environment, it would be a lot less intimidating if one is just transferring over from Vista.

This is also one of the better systems for a multimedia nerd. Someone who games often, perhaps? KDE really utilizes your video/graphics card. For those who also watches movies often or is a Photoship addict, KDE is the environment for you.

There's still a rather fast load. Same load time as GNOME. 30 seconds to a minute. Not as fast as Xfce. Fairly same shutdown time.

The programs that are with KDE are organized in different categories with an option of recently used programs. For those wh odon't like browsing through the program list to find it.

There's not much I can say about KDE without repeating what I've said about GNOME.

linux, kde, adventures in linux, desktop environments

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