I used xfire this weekend to play titan quest with Dad. After fiddling with the setting for a half hour we were able to have a live voice chat while playing titan quest. I know it's older tech but I was pretty impressed. It reminded me of the land gaming we had growing up. Doom and Diablo were such fun with our little house network
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Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen books you’ve read that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in 15 minutes. Copy the instructions into your own note
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You simply must read the reviews about this wonderfully manly t-shirt.
I never thought about making such great reviews of products like this before. Now I understand the power of amazon...and the ability to fuck with the system.
I'm working through painting more of my miniture stockpile. I was happy to get some GW Gaurd figures pained in the last couple of days while I still struggle though my goal of all painted figs. I'm pretty surpised about the shear number of figs I've acquired over the years. I've bought some more P3 paint and am pretty happy with it so far. Not
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Monica is the master of sass. Whenever you see sass you see Monica. She makes that shit work. It does whater the fuck she tells it to. No one rules the Sass like Monica. Not this little fuck. None of you little fucks out there. She is the Sass COMMANDER! Remember that. Commander of all Sass. When it comes down to business this is what she
I saw watchmen this weekend. It was great. I never read the graphic novel but the movie itself was very well thought out. There were stories within stories
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It was kind of a crazy morning, scrambling to get drawings out for a bid walk this morning. I had class last night and turned in the big paper of the term. I've had iced tea to keep me awake. I got my copy of BI God 20 the bog dance mix. Brings back memories and is really the only version I really like. Now if I can just hunt down And Ones
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