I swear, I have never had a converasation this long about genitals and not gotten aroused...until now.
Read on to see why.
SaraLuna6: Are you threatened by foreskin?
Troptopticus: only when it's not on a penis
SaraLuna6: okay
SaraLuna6: why do people get so weirded out about it?
Troptopticus: cuz it's skin that needs to be thourghrly cleaned or else the penis gets infected....it's like male yeast infection but worse...thats not a cool thing
Troptopticus: are you threatened by it?
SaraLuna6: no
SaraLuna6: i have dealt with an uncircumsized penis
Troptopticus: .eek
SaraLuna6: which is what prompted my curiosity
SaraLuna6: my ex-boyfriend casey is uncircumsized
SaraLuna6: and carey finds this dirturbing
Troptopticus: ......and i've touched your hands
Troptopticus: ::shivers::
SaraLuna6: more to love even
Troptopticus: yea well extended clits are just skin...and those are'nt good for the guy or girl
SaraLuna6: ...you had foreskin
SaraLuna6: your parents just cut it off you
Troptopticus: why do you think it's cut off....not for fun
SaraLuna6: well, your penis desensitized!!!
SaraLuna6: i mean, i'll circumsize my kid, sure
SaraLuna6: but...that's because i don't want girls to bruise my son's ego
Troptopticus: cuz it's a bitch to deal with and infection rates are high for males with foreskin
Troptopticus: i'll tell ya, my penis is quite sensative...
SaraLuna6: the head isn't as sensitive as an uncircumsized one, though...that's proven, i think
Troptopticus: it is....but it's like 2% milk compared to whole milk...some people like the latter more than the other....i perfer 2% milk
SaraLuna6: but that doesn't mean people should turn away an uncircumsized one
Troptopticus: my penis has enough sensativity...i wouldnt want any more
SaraLuna6: it's not weird; it's natural
Troptopticus: yea...well siamese twins are natural
SaraLuna6: haha
Troptopticus: people turn away from the all the time
Troptopticus: hell, hitler was natural...doesnt mean we should embrace him
SaraLuna6: well, i prefer circumsized, but i will not hold the person with a penis+foreskin accountable
Troptopticus: just because it's natural doesnt mesn it's good or adventageous
SaraLuna6: it's his parent's fault
Troptopticus: we all have vestigal organs that arer natural...appendixes are no good for us but we have them...why....same with foreskin
Troptopticus: i dont have a problem with people that have foreskin...it just is nasty because i know all the things guys like that have to do to stay away from infection...and if by losing a little sensativity, which is allright, to avoid that nusiance....then more power to ya
SaraLuna6: foreskin isn't dirty if they clean it
SaraLuna6: and clean is good
Troptopticus: but they HAVE to clean it a certain way....i enjoy just lobbing soap on my dong, thank you
SaraLuna6: well, as long as they're cleaning it the right way, i will not judge them
SaraLuna6: casey showered thoroughly three times a day mostly because he was a little weird but it made me rest easier
Troptopticus: yea well...it's like walking to work instead of driving....it's just more of a hassle and you get to the same place...why not cut time by 2 thirds?
SaraLuna6: haha
SaraLuna6: but most people aren't thinking that it's cleaner
SaraLuna6: most think it's just weird looking
SaraLuna6: or gross
Troptopticus: it IS weird looking...and NO it's NOT cleaner because it HAS to be cleaned ALL the time...i consider that to be GROSS
SaraLuna6: gross looking?
SaraLuna6: er, i meant cleaner as the circumsized one
Troptopticus: if you had to clean your vagina 3 times a day to avoid a crazy infection that could make you sexual inept would you do that or woulc you get a little bit of skin snipped off, lose a little sensativity(and who said sensativity was a good thing anyway?), to avoid having to clean some odd looking skin, wouldnt you do it?
SaraLuna6: girls do have to clean it frequently and be especially careful when they pee and stuff, so no, i wouldn't chop off any part of my vagina
SaraLuna6: we have to wipe a certain way
Troptopticus: ...well you do enjoy doing this the hard way, dont you
SaraLuna6: we have to shower immediately after sex as well as pee. we have to eat yogurt to keep our vagina's bacteria in check. boys give girls icky infections all the time. go to gyno...see how busy it is? it's not easy being a girl, damn it!
SaraLuna6: :-)
Troptopticus: are you saying being a guy isn't hard?
SaraLuna6: no it's hard
SaraLuna6: ...not just literally
Troptopticus: have you ever heard of bordem boners, morning wood, chaffing....
Troptopticus: all minor examples, but let me tell you, if we could do without them...we would
SaraLuna6: those are embarassing
SaraLuna6: i'd imagine
Troptopticus: but if i had a chance to make it easier...i would....and i did (but it really wanst my choice, but it would have been)
SaraLuna6: we just hide our afflictions better
Troptopticus: yea well we cant, cuz our genitals are all on the outside...foreveryone to see thru our pants
SaraLuna6: don't get me wrong
SaraLuna6: i'm a circumcision advocate
SaraLuna6: i think it's more sanitary
Troptopticus: then we agree on that point
SaraLuna6: but i don't think it's scary
Troptopticus: i just do not find them attractive and would never be able to do anything sexual with a guy that was not circumsized
SaraLuna6: to look at, i mean
SaraLuna6: if i were fooling around with a guy and discovered that he had foreskin, i wouldn't be like "see ya, gotta go"
Troptopticus: shit...i would
SaraLuna6: it's not his fault! and i understand that
Troptopticus: high tail like a mother fucker out of there
SaraLuna6: i'd make sure they'd clean it daily
SaraLuna6: and thoroughly
Troptopticus: well, there are people that dont like them....i'm one of them...they'd have to deal with that
Troptopticus: i'm not gonna make an exception because it makes rthem feel bad
SaraLuna6: *shrugs*
SaraLuna6: clean it, i'm happy...but you must know i have a strict rule of dating people who bathe regularly
Troptopticus: i do know that...matt had to sacrifice alot, hehe
SaraLuna6: he doesn't bathe regularly?
SaraLuna6: NO ONE TOLD ME THAT!!!!
SaraLuna6: ew
SaraLuna6: i dated a NON BATHER?!
SaraLuna6: AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!
Troptopticus: he does...just not at the beginning of the year he didnt
SaraLuna6: ew
SaraLuna6: ...ew
SaraLuna6: i will never date him again
SaraLuna6: that's nasty
SaraLuna6: once a non-bather, always a non-bather
Troptopticus: shut up you...he didnt bathe alot cuz there were 3 shower stalls for 30 people and one didnt work and one only had cold water
SaraLuna6: there is no excuse for poor hygiene
SaraLuna6: EVER
Troptopticus: i believe this is an excuse
SaraLuna6: no...you find a way
SaraLuna6: go to another floor
SaraLuna6: water yourself down with a hose
Troptopticus: if he didnt bathe a lot in the first three weeks of school...it doesnt mean the germs are still on him, sara
SaraLuna6: it's not the germs, really...it's just a matter of self-love
SaraLuna6: you have no respect for yourself or the unfortunate people surrounding you if you don't bathe
SaraLuna6: and just ew
SaraLuna6: you know how an uncircumsized penis grosses you out?
Troptopticus: yes
SaraLuna6: well, not bathing grosses me the fuck out
SaraLuna6: i find a way to shower daily
SaraLuna6: where there is a will, there is a way
SaraLuna6: i can understand skipping here and there
SaraLuna6: but going more than two days is just...wrong
SaraLuna6: unless you have a very good reason
Troptopticus: but you said "i will ener date him again" because he didnt shower every day at the beginning of the year
if a guy got circumsized i wouldn't be like "eww...at one time he had foreskin, i can't be with him" you're just being irrational now....but i understand about the bathing thing...and you KNOW matt bathes...it's OBVIOUS when someone does not clean
SaraLuna6: i mean, i know i'm not perfect by ANY means, but...i'm very particular about hygiene
Troptopticus: understood
SaraLuna6: *shudders*
SaraLuna6: i mean, it gives me chills
SaraLuna6: i am so crazy
Troptopticus: yes you are
Thank you Sara for the great midnight conversation. Keepin' me sane!
p.s. - Augusta, GA sucks