Work -
This position is not turning out how I thought it would be. First, after 2 months the company I'm hired for STILL has not figured out what to assign me to (role-wise). Second, I just learned that the recruiting agency hired me as a W2 contractor, meaning we don't accrue PTO or leave earnings, which royaly sucks. I think I might have to walk away from this, which also is a royal suck.
Cosplay -
So the next covention coming up is AUSA. I've been selected by the AUSA cosplay director to run the Green Room this year, so that should be fun standing in front of everyone (cringe) giving instructions. I just hope AUSA gets its act together. I won't be doing much with them staffwise as I did last year, because I missed out on a lot of con things. I am a bit excited about the move to the new hotel. Its quite a step for the con.
The Aku mask is not looking as good as I thought. I'm almost to the point that I'm going to scrap what I have and start over. (Update: I started over X_X) It may take a while but the first attempt will serve as a good benchmark. It does frustrate me a little though because I want to finish it up and move on to another project.
Life -
Well, maintaining a stable work environment is putting a damper on this. Basically life is still the same balanced between work and home. Cosplay still remains my primary drug of choice, but as I get older, it becomes a hard pill to swallow. I need stability in the life department.