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Oct 18, 2007 18:38

Just a little over a month from ending the last job to beginning the new one. Secured a position with the Department of State in DC. This is big for me, and came right when finances were about at the bottom of the barrel. I'm so glad the job I had with the Army (2 jobs ago) reactivated my clearance, otherwise DOS would not have even given me a 2nd look.

As things get settled in the new job I'll know more how I can re-integrate going to anime conventions again. Anime USA is a given for at the very least the Saturday of the con because I have to do staff work in the Green Room. Katsucon and Anime Boston look fine but I also want to try Ohayocon next year, and it just might not be possible due to its too close and I don't want to reserve plane tickets unless its a sure thing.

Once again I'm going to have to drop Aku from my AUSA lineup. Commissioners really suck sometimes. Maybe I can wear it for Katsucon.

Yesterday I stopped procrastinating and decided to wash Moochi...a bonafide "Tonight, we dine in hell" event. Since its pretty much impossible to keep her near water for too long, I decided to just corral her into the bathroom and spray her with a water bottle and apply the shampoo. After a bit of whining she got used to it and allowed me to work the shampoo in and clip some of her hair that clumped up beyond detanglement. Then, while she was in "whatever" mode about the spray bottle, I filled up a bucket of water, whispered a sincere apology, and nailed her with it. I'm fairly sure she said "WTF!" at that point, but after drying her off she forgot all about it (at least I hope so.)

I really hope this job works out, because this is the one I'll need to stay with for quite a long time....no more screwing around. The pay is good..more than I have ever made salary-wise, and has a lot of opportunity for growth, if not with DOS then with the contracting company.
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