Avatar: The Last Airbender finale

Jul 20, 2008 16:05

...was epic to say the least. There was a few loopholes and things seemed to have been rushed along due to time/episode constraints, but all in all things went well I think. I really hope Nick shows the movie again so I can dvd it.

EDIT: missed the re-broadcast on sunday, so all thats left is getting it via torrent or when it comes out on dvd.

"Aang's struggle with conscience" - I liked this part. It was well written and left you at the edge of your seat until the very end....and at the end, he seemed happy, and at peace, and the ending with him and Katara seemed more a bonus than anything. The fighting sequence between him and Ozai could have been better. The fight was ok but the location needed to be better, like in a town or something (like the Order of the White Lotus battle...that was great.)

"Zuko" - interesting turn of events in these final 6-10 or so episodes. I missed a couple of episodes regarding him and his betrayal of Iroh, and to be honest I was expected a little more "talking" between the two when they finally met up again. There's also this relationship between him and Mai I didn't catch until hearing about it during the "Boiling Rock" episodes, and the betrayal of Mai (and Ty Lee) to Azula by allowing him to escape the prison....I seriously didn't see that coming. Despite what people seem to think on the Avatar forums I think they're a good couple...she'll keep Zuko in check. (hehe.) They whereabouts of his mother is a major loophole, but we'll see if they clear that up later.

"Azula" - seriously, wtf? The writers decided to make her go mental in the end? That seemed to be a bit off imho. She could have been a "bit" more leveled-headed...it just seemed a little out of character.

"Sokka" - he didn't seem as much of a lunkhead these final episodes. He had his gameface on most of the time, and even having a few touches of brilliance aboard the fire nation airship. Seriously at the end when he was flirting with Ty Lee (whom he thought was Suki in Kyoshi warrior paint, and when Suki popped up in the back,) I thought was going be a cat fight.
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