So guess what Manda got for her birthday?
A Guitar!!!!
Happy Days. :)
Uhm . . . reading a few good books, including China Inc and Under the Overpass. I feel I'm doing a better job at being productive and working on the things that are important to me, so that's exciting. My sister and her friend are making me a header for my xanga site, so that'll be cool. Sill tired, but despite my insomnia I've been getting up early enough to actually get some things accomplished before work. Karate is awesome, I love it, don't know why I ever stopped. And for being out of it for a couple of years, I've caught up to the others blue belts in regards to speed and balance. My form is still rough in places, I've forgot nearly all the katas, but that's ok. It's just good to be back. Hopefully will be heading to the Villes this weekend. (It's plural for a reason.)
Ok, back to the wonderful world of shipping and receiving. :)