Thankies <3 And dun worry, I'm not going to. I was ever thinking 'bout making some more icons, since I have too much free time recently (Uni year here starts in October).
I wish you could make a Misao animated one for me: where she claims on Kagami and points her about a promise in episode 23. She looks hilariously cute xD
Comments 21
Se7en is love <333
A szablon srednio udany. Znaczy cześciowo mi sie podoba, a czesciowo nie *cierpienia mlodego grafika normalnie XD*
Jakbym była w morzu! @__@ *ale nie tym brudnym, polskim...* XD
Chociaz imho to nie szabon, a Se7en roxuje >3
Morze - zdecysdowanie Śródziemne bo takie niebieeeeskie :3 Polskie to raczej takie szarawe jest ;D
Polskie jest BRUDNE XD Jak cała społeczność XD
Szablony, ktore robie zazwyczaj zawieraja w sobie obiekty moich obecnych fascynacji, tak wiec jeden z Se7enem musial byc ;D
Dobre porownanie, z ktorym sie niestety trzeba zgodzic ;)
i hope its okay i added you to my friends list! ^^ <3
Thanks for commenting on all those entries ^o^"
Well... it wasn't necesseary to add me just to save and use the icons I made, but it was very nice of you :)
Do.not.EVER.erase.this.journal, 'cause I love it TO DEATH!!! x3
Can I add you???
And dun worry, I'm not going to. I was ever thinking 'bout making some more icons, since I have too much free time recently (Uni year here starts in October).
Sure, go ahead :)
I wish you could make a Misao animated one for me: where she claims on Kagami and points her about a promise in episode 23. She looks hilariously cute xD
Well, I'll have to check it out tmw. Misao ish cute so making her avi would be nice ;3
And I looove your icons, I started watching lucky star due to them <3
And it makes me sooo glad *does a happy dance*. Lucky Star is definitely worth watching! ^___^
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