Any way the wind blows

Feb 27, 2008 19:39

This week has been a real roller coaster so far, let me tell ya.

Started out pretty well, since I was home for Georgia's 16th birthday. But I procrastinated too long on my Korean War paper and stayed up till 3:30 on Monday morning writing it. But I was still at home, so I had to get up at 6am so I could get ready and drive back to UCSB for my 10am class. My roommate and her boyfriend were sleeping on the floor when I got back, and I was kind of surprised by how much mess they'd managed to make in 3 days. (The mess is still there, BTW.) I was really pissed but I had to go to class, and then I had work, and then class, and then work again, and when I got home in the evening I found the two of them in my apartment with the door wide open and the whole place was filled with smoke. Apparently they'd started something on fire in the kitchen. ==;;;;;

So yesterday morning, while the two of them were in the shower, I left for school and called my landlord to report them. No one is supposed to be staying here for more than 3 days. He said he'd investigate, but all the boyfriend's crap is still here and he still seems to be planning to eat, sleep, and shower here regularly. I'm going to call again tomorrow if I don't see some results. Plus, she seems to suddenly think it's OK to eat my food, drink my milk, and use my shampoo. WHAT. THE. FUCK. I don't know where that came from, especially when she JUST packed the fridge and cupboards full of her own food.

Last night I had a bunch of stuff to get ready for today, but I couldn't do it at my apartment because they were being SO OBNOXIOUS, so I went to the library around 8:30 in a foul mood. I ended up running into my friend Tricia and we goofed off for more than 3 hours. ^^;;; But it made my day SO much better! We talked about a bunch of random stuff, like how much we love the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (the first two movies were on last weekend and I watched them enraptured) and it felt so good to be goofy! And earlier yesterday, I spent a couple hours with my friend Calida and her friend Mai, and we all LOVE Korean dramas and Chinese movies and such, so we talked about our favorite shows and movies and actors. ♥

And then today I went to see Dimitri again. ^^;;; Legitimately this time! There were some points in last week's reading that I found contradictory, and when I asked him about them he looked at me like a deer in the headlights and it was PRICELESS. XD When it's something he hadn't really considered before, he goes kinda blank for a moment and then grabs his book and asks "On which page did you find that passage?" and then he reads it and re-reads it, and then reads it out loud, and then is silent for a minute, and then says "I think what he means is..." and proceeds to spend at least 5 minutes explaining. And I LOVED it. Did it to him twice. Heheheh. It's really refreshing to know that he's not so much smarter than I am that I can't throw him a few curveballs. He even conceded a point. BWAHAHA! XD But I also asked him about the midterm (he was grading some when I came in), and he said he was finishing the last two so we'll get them back on Friday. I said something about him finishing them so quickly, and he proceeded to tell me about his system of grading (first all the IDs, then divides the essays into question 1 and question 2 piles, grading first one group and then the other) and seemed like he was glad I asked about it. XDDD And later, I asked him if this period was his emphasis (even though I already knew it wasn't- don't ask how I knew) because he seemed so into it, and he laughed and seemed quite surprised and told me no, he emphasised in modern Europe and international policy (although I still think he has some special affection for the Middle Ages because he's so knowledgable about it). He told me he's been doing this for a long time (liar, he's only 27 and he's not done with his Ph.D. yet- don't ask me how I know) and is familiar with the material, but 4C next quarter will be his real area of expertise (which is how I found out that he will indeed be TAing for that class next quarter, which I am taking). So he asked if I was a poli sci major and I was like... WTF no, East Asian and history. Silly man. But he asked what my emphasis was and then quickly said, "Oh, you're not a grad student, you don't have to have one yet. But what sort of history are you interested in, do you already know?" And I told him I was into ancient Japanese history but wasn't entirely sure if I was going to stick with that or maybe do modern or what. So he told me that the professor for 4C is in fact Japanese, but has the same emphasis as he (Dimitri) does and so there won't be too much about Japan in 4C (Professor Hasegawa is also Dimitri's faculty adviser- DON'T ASK). Eventually I left, but I was there talking with him for half an hour. And I realized why I enjoy visiting with Dimitri so much- he's both smarter and even more socially awkard than I am, and that makes me comfortable. He's very interesting, but not intimidating. And he's a hell of a lot easier to talk to than Chun, who rushes through conversations and runs away.

I talk about Dimitri way too much.

So yeah, that's what I've been up to.
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