Jul 07, 2009 19:01

Tomorrow is the election day for president. And i'm still a minor so I won't be voting, but somehow I get the invitation to vote from my neighbourhood crew for the election tomorrow. I believe that there is some mistake about it because I turn 17 this september. I keep holding on to myself not to vote, but my parents insisted me to vote, use my ( Read more... )

election, decision, minor, vote

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Comments 8

ale_paradise July 7 2009, 13:48:42 UTC
lu ga nonton debat capres yah..
susah deh.
btw ini amira ato preti?


bakabon July 7 2009, 17:47:17 UTC
ini amira kikikikikikk.
yup gw g nonton karena males terlibat dengan pemilu tahun ini, lagian kan gw emg harusnya belom milih, jsdi don't care at all lah. tp gw janji beneran pas gw udah cukup umur buat milih pasti gw keep up to date!


ale_paradise July 8 2009, 08:00:35 UTC
gue nyontreng dong. hehe.
ya semoga nanti di pemilihan selanjutnya lu bisa ngikutin dengan lebih baik deh^^


bakabon July 14 2009, 07:27:10 UTC
Amiiin, kemaren akhirnya gw g nyontreng, hohoo.


ulilulelo July 7 2009, 14:52:37 UTC
5 taun lagi paniknya sekarang -_-. plg nnti juga beda lagi kandidatnya mir. itupun kalo 2012 ga kejadian wkwkwkwk


bakabon July 7 2009, 17:50:57 UTC
NGACO maksud lo 5 tahun lagi apa??

tinggal countdown 6 jam lagi tauk!
idih lo termasuk orang yang lg hype yak sama 2012 ckck.


ulilulelo July 8 2009, 05:03:56 UTC
ya kan lo milihnya masih 5 taun lagi boi


bakabon July 14 2009, 07:30:08 UTC
Yeh tp kan gw udah dapet undngan nyontrengnya, ck lo g mendalami post gw nih.


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