#177, Utaban 080327 - SMAP

Aug 22, 2008 08:53

Production no.: 177
Date released: 22/08/2008

*Screencap from when Shingo was picked to name everyone's birthdays.^^


This is a really, really long episode of Utaban. SMAP looked at clips from old dramas and movies they did over the years, then talked with some female professionals from various fields. They played a two-part SMAP vs. Utaban game and the Japanese Beyonce made an appearance. This includes karaoke for the Sono Mama performance.^^ I laughed hard while working on this, so I would definitely recommend it to JE fans of all flavors. ^__^


Translator: enshinge, aleyna (lyrics)
Timer: nicky, Antricity
Typesetter: ryoshinai
Edit/QC: Saragorn
Karaoke: sosweet56
Hardsubber: ryoshinai

Download Links:

MU (Full Episode): Here
MU (250 MB each): .001 | .002 | .003 | .004
MF (99 MB each): Folder (8 parts)

Sorry we couldn't find a good copy of the full version for Kanjani8. We just subbed SMAP's part instead. Enjoy!^^

BNS thread

release, smap

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