A friend of mine ad a pampered chef party a little while ago, and I got my order on Friday. In it was.... a spring form pan! Clearly this required me to bake a cheesecake, something I hadn't done properly in aaaages (Though I did improvise one with materials on hand in the field last year, I suppose).
Anyway! I decided to vary the recipe that came with the pan, as it was for a plain cheese cake, and this is what I came up with. Note that this pan has a glass bottome, so regular pans should probably turn up the heat for all of this by about 50 degrees:
1 C graham cracker crumbs
1/2 C crushed pecans
1/4 C melted butter
Mix together, press in to bottom of pan, bake @ 300 for 10 min, remove to cooling rack.
3 8oz packages of cream cheese
1 C sugar
1/4 C flour
3 eggs
1/3 C sour cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 to 3/4 C Voyant chai liqueur (or other liqueur!)
Mix creamcheese, flour and sugar until smooth. Add eggs 1 at a time until just blended, then add in sour cream, vanilla, and liqueur. Bake for ~50-60 min @300, until center is just about set.
meanwhile, prepare topping:
1/3 C sour cream
2 tbsp honey
Whisk together!
Once cheesecake is removed from oven, top with topping, then return to oven for 10 min. once out of the oven, Run funky little edge thingy, or a knife, along the inside edge of the pan. cool completely, remove pan ring, and refrigerate
Then, if you're feeling extra fancy, top with dark chocolate dipped pecans and drizzle with melted dark chocolate.
Enjoy :D
(apparently I didn't get all the cream cheese beaten completely smooth... ah well! That was a large volume for my little hand mixer :o)