Nov 06, 2005 20:22
If you can read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, please post a comment with a memory of us - even if we don't speak very often. It can be anything you want, good or bad.
When you're finished, post this little paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people remember about you.
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Comments 20
Memories are difficult to keep. The more one lives, the less clear memories become.
The first memory I really have of you was our first fight over the chuckanuts.
Running and playing on the trampoline, and trying to catch the chickens around the yard, and under the porch.
I remember a long haired cat and very green grass, and a pleasant blue sky with some clouds. I also remember you having long hair, which seems kind of odd, it's hard to picture you that way now.
heh....Good memory.
Sun and trampolines definately make the days fun, but nothing compares to the chickens in Puerto Rico as far as fun goes. I mean, you can't beat picking up wild chicks on the edge of a road!
The day the mountains become yours will be the day I spin in my well made casket. Would you like to fight over them again? eh?
You will bo in in that casket because i'll put you there! I might even make it, in which case it WON'T be well made, now what? (probably by the time this is resolved we will be fighting over a bunch of development, I think we should just steal the mountains and hide them. Then i'll start working on that casket.)
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