Letter to my Yuletide Author

Nov 04, 2009 22:43

Hello, Yuletide Writer.

First, thank you. Thanks for choosing one of my fandoms, and thanks for coming to take a look to see what kinds of things I'd want to see. I hope I'm not too demanding, and with the exception of the "I won't read this" list (it's short, promise!), pretty much everything under the cut is more guideline, less mandatory.

I will read pretty much anything. Het, slash, gen, any rating. AU fic that changes little details, AU fic that makes them space cowboys, anything. About the only things I won't read are character bashing, dub/non-con, any kind of sex involving pee or poop, furry/anthro fic, or deathfic.

So here are a few things about my requested fandoms.

RPF - Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, any characters: This band is my one true band. The guy even married one of his bandmates officially, and acts married to a bunch of the rest of 'em. They are amazing to see live, and they are lovely, and it's wonderful when Bruce kisses them and cuddles with them on stage and oh my god. There is little to no fic for this group, however, which is absolutely criminal. I will read ANYTHING, as long as a) there's no Patti bashing, b) Bruce is written as an awkward but endearing weirdo, and c) it is not deathfic. To help you out on what Bruce has looked like over the years, I made some picspams a while ago: Bruce, Bruce & Clarence, Bruce & Patti, Bruce with other people and/or doing stupid things.

The 'ships of my heart are Bruce/Patti, Bruce/Clarence, Bruce/Steve and Bruce/Patti/Steve, but I will read anything. I will read fic about Bruce cuddling Nils for no reason. I will read fic about a young 1970s era Max Weinberg being otherworldly hot while a young Danny Federici acts annoyed about it. I will read fic about Steven Van Zandt: demon hunter/radio DJ. I will read fic about Patti and Soozie hanging out together before or after shows to escape the stench of failbot manchildren. I will read fic about Bruce not knowing jackshit about all the cars he keeps singing about (this is actually canon). I will read fic about Steve scaring the Springsteen babies when he comes to visit (also canon - they thought he was a pirate) and then having sexy shenanigans with Patti and Bruce both (that part isn't canon sadly). I will read fic about all these fuckers traveling through outer space and fighting the forces of Darth Mellencamp (disclaimer: I do not hate John Mellencamp). It is all good. I will read almost anything, so long as there's no death, bashing, or "Bruce is cool and slick and totally perfect" characterization.

John Adams (tv), Abigail Adams/John Adams/Thomas Jefferson: I've kind of loved John and Abigail since I first saw 1776. John's a cranky old jerk and Abigail is just like "LOL FAIL ILU" at him, and I like that dynamic. And who doesn't like Thomas Jefferson, right? My request for this prompt is a little (lot?) more specific than the last one, but it is by no means mandatory. Basically, I would love John/Abigail/Thomas threesome fic set in France (or three friends gen fic - basically the three of them together in some way, platonic or not). Abigail pwning both of them in some fashion is a definite plus. Historical accuracy is great, but I know this will be based on the TV show that's based on the biography, so I'm aware that there's smudge room in that respect. If it could be a little angsty and a little humorous both, that would also be great.

Having politics mixed in would be fine. Wonderful, even, but I understand if it's not possible for whatever reason. I really would like it to be a threesome, but if you don't feel comfortable with that, at least please do not write Thomas/John fic where John says that he secretly hates Abigail or something. Same goes if you write Thomas/Abigail - don't have her hating John. Maybe Ben Franklin teaches the two of them that open marriages can be fun or something else instead, but what I'm asking for is that you don't make it fic about cheating. It could be gen fic, if you'd rather not write 'ship fic, that would be awesome too. Just the three of them hanging out in France, basically, threesome of any rating is preferable but not needed. Again, gen is perfectly wonderful. I would prefer if it weren't complete fluff, however. Unless it's somehow about Ben Franklin trolling the everloving shit out of everyone, I would totally read fluff about that.

RPF - The West Wing, any characters: Gen fic about pairs or groups engaging in off-set shenanigans would be quite welcome. Something that I sort of want to see, but is by no means mandatory, is fic about Dule Hill trying to get everyone to guest star on Psych. I'm not really into non-gen fic for this fandom, but best-friends fic is perfectly nice. Also, if you can avoid fic that centers on Bradley Whitford and Janel Moloney, that would be great; I like them, I would not hate seeing them in the fic in some fashion, but I wouldn't want them to be the focal point of the fic.

And that's that. In short, I like ship fic but gen is great and will be much loved, character bashing is not my favorite ever, and I'll read almost anything as long as it doesn't involve poop. Again, I hope what I've written isn't too demanding, and I hope I haven't confused the hell out of you. Happy writing, and thanks again.


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