Yeah i feel like that myself sometimes. bein Didaskaleinophobic is a bitch huh. And FAR to common. Heres some other phobias i have seen exibited throughout various classes we share, all three of them...and a few others: Caligynephobia,Anuptaphobia,Atelophobia,Athazagoraphobia,Autophobia,Clinophobia,Enosiophobia,Eremophobia,Euphobia,Eurotophobia,Gynephobia,Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia (HAHAHA WHOS THAT ONE?? **HINT** Ill give you *4* guesses),Ithyphallophobia,Lygophobia ("White man rocks!"), Parthenophobia (Thats deffinently not me), Sesquipedalophobia (Hey Toggs, the doc just told me ive got some sesqui. You wanna smoke a reef!?),Sociophobia,Somniphobia,Traumatophobia, and last but not least, my personal faveorite: BKeatingalldayheyshesgettincarriedawaywhatcanisaysheshavinitherwayaphobia-(Ill give this one to you guys) Fear of excessive Burger King consumption by a close friend, spouse, or family member.
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