App to route_29

May 08, 2011 03:35

Name: Robin
Livejournal Username: tummieroll
AIM: robinyublind
Timezone: -5 EST
Current Characters in Route: n/a

Name: Gokudera Hayato
Series: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Timeline: Chapter 335 (as most recent as you can get in the manga)
Canon Resource Links:

Personality: At first glance, Gokudera is a loner delinquent with a cool exterior fitting of anyone who is mafia. He was born into the mafia world, raised in a palace, and had grown accustomed to the sparkling life that his father's power had brought them. He spent a great deal of his time picking fights with the neighboring families, excelling in his studies, and playing piano with a woman who came by a few times a year. One year, she stopped showing up, but he continued to play to please his father. His sister would make him poisonous cookies he was forced to eat before every recital, and used him as a guinea pig to further her "talents" when she discovered them.

It was a fairly exciting childhood, as the boy attempted to run away several times just to escape her. However, he was caught every time and it became more of a routine to endure the mistreatment. It made his father happy to see him play, and everyone liked the music he made while he was sick, so it wasn't so bad. However, his life came crashing down around him when he discovered that the woman who had been visiting him during his younger years was actually his mother, and had been killed by an "accident" supposedly to cover up that she had been his father's mistress. He ran away for good that time, and the only person who tried to stop him was his sister. Her screams followed him every day he lived on the streets after that...

For Gokudera, being alone means being safe. Everyone he's ever cared deeply for has ended up hurting him in one way or another. Life has taught him that if he opens up, he will be made vulnerable to potentially more pain. Thus, AFFECTION IS BAD. The one and only exception is Tsuna.

After running away from home, Gokudera began living on the streets of Italy, looking for a family to take him in that would recognize his potential. At every turn, he was denied because of his dirty blood. Rather than sinking lower because of the rejection, his resolve set even firmer on proving himself to the mafia society he'd been born into.

Upon being summoned to Japan, Gokudera attempted to test the Tenth Vongola-to-be's skill by throwing arm fulls of dynamite at him. However, he failed and nearly killed himself. Tsuna put out the dynamite Gokudera had dropped in an attempt to try an attack way above his skill level. Stunned that someone would put their own life on the line to save his, Gokudera vowed devotion to Tsuna. He views his boss as being inherently good, as someone who has accepted him and will need him (though Tsuna seems a bit intimidated by the idea), Gokudera happily puts loyalty to him before his own well-being.

He proclaims himself the Tenth's right-hand man, and guards his position from anyone who gets close to the Tenth or threatens to take it (which is mostly everyone Tsuna associates with). He wants so badly to prove himself that he's nearly been killed on several occasions. So when he's hit by cars, poisoned, cut up in combat and nearly bleeding to death, he grins and brushes his problems aside.

Above all else, he's afraid of appearing weak. Gokudera picks fights regularly on the street, dresses tough, hates children, and dislikes most authority figures. In school, he's viewed as a rebel and a delinquent, and has no problem threatening the teachers if it means defending his boss. But for as rebellious as he seems, he is easily the smartest student in his class, often tutoring Tsuna after school. Because Tsuna has a hard time refusing anyone, Gokudera is constantly getting into fights with everyone around them, blowing up street corners, bedrooms, and strangling the five-year old resident hitman. To say Gokudera is dangerous for both his boss' health and sanity is an understatement, but he doesn't give up, and is always looking for some way to help (regardless of it's needed or not).

During one fight, Gokudera nearly dies trying to win for his boss' sake, and ends up getting chewed out by him instead. Apparently, to Tsuna, friendship is more important than mafia battles. Stunned, Gokudera forfeits the fight and comes crawling back to Tsuna.

Beneath Gokudera's rough exterior, insults, foul language, and general cantankerousness is a kind-hearted boy who's afraid of rejection, who is smart, and easily excited by the abnormal. After being accepted into a family and securing his spot as the Tenth Vongola's Storm Guardian, Gokudera seems to accept the idea of having people who care about him, and he very much cares for them in return. However, to maintain his tough-guy appearance, he goes out of his way to be rude to everyone but Tsuna, and pushes them all away, literally waiting until no one can see before he shows real affection. In more recent chapters, Gokudera has learned the values of teaming up with his fellow Guardian's. Though he still maintains his tough-guy attitude, it is obvious he cares greatly for his fellow "family" members.

Strengths/Weaknesses: Gokudera Hayato considers himself a strong person for the sake of the people he needs to protect. More specifically, he commands himself to be strong to best serve his boss, and lets nothing short of his own mortality get in the way. He strives to be useful, and won’t hesitate to jump in front of ANYTHING to protect Tsuna. Unfortunately, he loses sight of the fact that he is important to people who care about him, and often gets unnecessarily injured over small goals.

He is very clever, being able to improvise in battle even when he's disabled. Hayato’s fighting strategies work best in closed spaces with plenty of obstacles. He knows how to manipulate the battlefield to his advantage.

Gokudera is not completely incapable others with his body, but if he takes the fight seriously, he will try to avoid being close so he doesn’t risk injury. It is safe to assume he likes to keep distance both in battle and with others personally.

The only time he is completely weak is when he sees his sister’s face. After poisoning him so much in his childhood, his body connected her to being sick, and he collapses whenever he sees her. This can be as severe as going unconscious and being unable to move for several hours, to simply falling over, foaming at the mouth, or just appearing physically weak. He is terrified of seeing his sister (and appearing weak in general), and will hide if he knows he could possibly run into her.

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Team Rocket
Starter: Snubbull
Password: Grape Jelly

First Person Sample:

[The feed starts with an explosion and a startled yell. There's a flash of light behind the person holding the Gear that casts him in silhouette before another loud explosion takes over the audio. Smoke makes it hard to view the grunt who is staring, terrified into the camera.]

TENTH! Where are you?! What the hell is with these things?!

[A koffing floats close, looming over the silver-haired boy and billowing smoke from the many strange orifices on its body.

Gokudera grits his teeth and reaches into his pockets, pulling out what he hopes would be his dynamite. Instead, it's the letter he'd found that morning rolled up from his "Rocket boss". It hits the pokémon, who hardly seems bothered and comes closer.]


[Toxic gas billows out of its mouth and the gear is dropped as Gokudera covers his mouth, coughing. Just as the visibility starts to fade, there's a white flash and another explosion.]


Third Person Sample:

"T-Tenth?" He pushes himself up off the floor, through the smoke and blinks as his breath floats before him. Gokudera hasn't seen that kind of effect through smoke like that. Unless-!

The teen glances over to where the Koffing had been looming over only a moment ago. In its place, a bizarre dog-like creature in a dress? is standing, facing a large, frozen sphere on the ground. Gokudera blinks, confused -was this some kind of demon?- and stands up to inspect the frozen Koffing, lying on the floor, it's eyes rolled back and its jaw hanging open slightly.

"It's... dead?" He kneels down to get a closer look, until something collides with his back. "Ah-!" Ringed fingers click on the cold ground by the fallen pokémon as he braces against the impact of the other creature.

"Sh-shit!" He turns and slips on the thawing ice, falling onto his behind and backing up into a corner as the strange pink dog jogs at him. "Get away!"

It stops, but not by his command. Rather, it finds the paper he'd thrown and hands it back, grinning.

"You're... friendly?" Gokudera accepts the roll and pockets it. When the Snubbull announces its name and steps closer, he starts. It doesn't stop this time, and he shields himself for a moment. When it doesn't attack, he blinks. "What... what do you want?" He follows the pokémon's gaze down to his belt, at a single pokéball. "Hm?" He picks it up and inspects it, "It's yours?" And holds it out to the creature. It jumps up and strikes its chest proudly before poking the small button on the ball and vanishing inside with a flash of light.

The teen blinks and pulls the pokéball from his belt, looking at it closely. This was... his? Gokudera's eyes sparkle with fascination and he stands up, stepping over the unconscious Koffing to head out of the building. He pulls out the letter to re-read it, and go through his pokédex. As long as he isn't ambushed by any more Koffing -which he assumes he won't as long as he has this strange dog- he'll be able to read up to his heart's content!

!route_29, !ooc

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