the social factory

Mar 11, 2007 23:38

book thought

long-term project, clear and popularized discussion of the ideas of italian autonomism, targetted to popular american audience, with a focus on the social factory.

particular chapters:
*legitimation. a brief chronicle of horrors, i.e. capitalism and the externalization of chaos, capitalist institutions as dissipative structures
*scope- horror against what? we can't leave this so subjectivist that any two-bit self-styled economist will argue irrelevancies about free choice. their free choice is the psychological analogue of bare life.
there is plenty of cruelty against life in this, especially in those regions utterly destroyed by the rise of the modern world-system despite the incredible transcience of historical memory of leading ideologies (what was before styled "the great game" and lasted until the 1970s is presumed to have no lasting consequence by the willful idiots describing the modern world with faux scientificity, as an example)
but cruelty against life cannot be the sole or even overdetermining question. because it is too subjective, because it opens too many holes up in thought for matters of willed opinion presented as self-evident truism.
because it allows too easily rationalization and excuse.
no, bare life cannot be the primary criterion.
the crime must be revealed as against the potential expression of life and the limitation of possibilities, by the destruction of feedback between the plane and the particularization (though phrased better). authentic freedom is to be found in the multiplication of powers at all levels of being. not in the alienation of those powers nor the degradation of some powers in favor of others etc etc.

do not fight out of fear of pain or hope for an end to cruelty, fight for love of life and all the potential of the living to experience and to create, all that life can become.

to this argument their only counterattack is nihilism and cynicism, which weakens their position. it's like ethical-ontological chess. position the argument such that their only strong responses weaken their positions. make them cut off their own balls and hands and cunts and toes and lobotomize themselves into little husks of barren half-life to survive critique. and when they respond with nihilism and cynicism, reprise with an unflinching affirmation and you win. that's the secret, the flare of it. there is no negative, only varying degrees of affirmation- and they are trumped by greater intensities.

*definition- the social factory, its marks, what does it/can it mean; focus on the iteration of a structure, the pattern of organization
*integration- the global economy, movements of things and movements of beings
*the alienation of production
*the regulation of affective life
*finale, the paralysis of becoming, the closure of understanding, the nondisclosure of Being, etc etc etc.

*what is a problem? what makes a good problem?
*the intuitive method of Bergson [applied to above]
*resistance is futile- fighting without opposition
*particular intervention is limited
*what is freedom? (integration of spinozist concepts with heid. and berg.)
*"the proposition and the milieu", the concept and the plane

*rates of speed and slowness- the question is in large part one of rates of change

LINES OF FLIGHT, or, Of Human Bondage
*mapping variable lines of flight for a particular "dividual"- multiple qualities directed along the same vector, interacting with variable social milieus
*models for new radical labor organization and agitation
*the probabilistic general strike :)

*list and describe "tools"


of course, it's probably long too late. but there are always cracks and implosions of varying intensity. build some structures and wait for the system to eat itself.
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