Gunblades are stylish!

Mar 30, 2006 09:12

Nicknames:Cat, Wesker's Virus

Likes:Sky-Diving,sports,cats,Tigers,sleeping long,hunting,dancing,reading,Swords,work-out,Yoghurt, my biohazard-sign Tattoo
Dislikes:spiders,intrigues, annoying people
Hobbies:hunting, Martial Arts, sky-diving,dancing
Strong Points:leading, observative, very self-confident, Abstract thinking, staying cool in most situations
Weak Points:I tend to analyse even my food sometimes ^_^; ,sometimes to abstract thinking, tries to look good in every situation often ^_^; short temper in the morning
Favorite Color:Black, Silver, deep red
Number One Goal:Success

Optimistic or Pessimistic:Optimistic and Realistic
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Normal
Impulsive or Cautious:mostly Imulsive but also cautious depending on the situation.
Outgoing or Shy:Outgoing
Mature or Immature?:Mature
Leader or Follower?:Leader!

Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character?Quistis and Seifer. Quistis:She's cool and has the overview. Seifer: He's independant and strong.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Selphie Why:She is so going on my nerves sometimes.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? 1 Million on the street!? Where is the hitch? If nothing else happened, keep it and see what I can do with.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend?Honesty, Personality,Strength
What is your fighting style?Balanced.I prefer a sword or a gun.

Pictures (optional):

Anything else?:I'm an official Hunter/Huntress

stamped, quistis

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