My gunblade is better than yours D:

May 04, 2006 17:20

Name: Call me Mebd or PoD. I just don't like giving out my real name.
Nicknames: pod79, PoD, Princess of Darkness, Mebd, Leonor, and many others.
Age: 20
Gender: Female.

Likes: The rain, chocolate, rainy days, drama (sometimes, and in stories, not in my life), coffee, videogames, fantasy related things, dragons, justice.
Dislikes: People that want to change you, pork (yeah, I don't eat it), any kind of abuse, food after it's expiration date, among other things.
Hobbies: Playing videogames, reading, surfing the net, writing, going out with friends, cooking.
Talents: I can sing? And sometimes I end up writing good stuff, or so I am said.
Strong Points: I can be very patient.
Weak Points: I can cry easily sometimes.
Favorite Color: I don't have a favorite color right now...
Number One Goal: Be happy.

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic most of the time, and when everybody is pessimistic, then I get optimistic. I like balance.
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Normal Energy, leaning towards calm.
Impulsive or Cautious: VERY cautious. I tend to be paranoic sometimes.
Outgoing or Shy: Depends on the situation.
Mature or Immature?: I would say mature, but I can be very inmature sometimes.
Leader or Follower?: Leader usually, unless I am too lazy to be it.

Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Squall, because he represents many of us, but he changed and became a better person, or what's better, he didn't change, he just stopped being afraid from the world.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Selphie. Way too hyper. Then Quistis. Geez woman, he doesn't like you.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? Turn it in probably, because I couldn't go on feeling guilty about it, I would be thinking that it was for little, poor kids that are more in need of it than me.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Honesty, support (the real kind of support, not the support "I tell you what you want to hear so you feel happy"), and love. If you got the last one, and you got it right, then you don't need anything else.
What is your fighting style? Would be magic, if I had one. Everytime I play an online game, I can't help it but be a magician of some sort, it's like I am meant for it.

Pictures (optional): None, sorry. I am not short, not tall, brown hair, brown eyes, white-taned skin, not fat, not thin.
Anything else?: Not really...

stamped, fujin

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