May 20, 2006 23:59
Name: (real name if possible) Rinoa. (Please don't let this sway your vote at all. This is really what people call me.)
Nicknames: None.
Age: Sixteen years old.
Gender: Female.
Likes: Video games, open-minded people, people who can hold an intelligent conversation, considerate people, dancing, watching performances of all kinds, music, other lands, languages, and soft colors.
Dislikes: People who put down others, selfishness, people who have no appreciation for the arts, racist people, rap, cleaning, and confusing relationships, people who use "internet lingo" and refuse to use proper spelling and grammar (especially when they do this even when they're NOT on the computer.)
Hobbies: Dancing (ballet, tap, jazz), writing, reading, playing video games, and thinking about things (philosophy).
Talents: Dancing, writing (poetry and short stories mostly), and playing the piano.
Strong Points: Loyal, caring, musical, spiritual, forgiving (can be bad too), dedicated, passionate, and kind most of the time.
Weak Points: Too forgiving, emotional, often confused on what to do, indecisive, afraid of disappointing others, many phobias, can't let go of the past.
Favorite Color: Soft colors...especially soft greens, and also blues of any shade.
Number One Goal: To help others who have had a bad past like mine. To help them with music and kisses and love.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Usually optimistic, especially when helping out others with their problems. But I can be pessimistic when I think about the past or get scared about an upcoming event that I think I'm not ready for.
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: A split between calm and normal energy.
Impulsive or Cautious: Extremely cautious.
Outgoing or Shy: Very, very shy. I don't talk to a lot of people and often don't even speak a word during a whole day.
Mature or Immature?: I think I'm usually mature. Although sometimes, like when I'm hyper or really happy, I think I can get a little bit immature.
Leader or Follower?: A follower. I'd be too afraid to be a leader. As I've said, I'm very indeceisive.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Squall. I think I can connect with him the most. He's quiet, reserved, and doesn't really reach out to others much. I'm very much like him. I can' empathize with him, really.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Irvine. Although I am getting a little used to him, he can still get on my nerves. Probably because he's mostly a self-centered womanizer. But he can be alright, I guess.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? First off, I doubt I'd find a million dollars just lying on the street without anyone else picking it up or staring at it with a greedy eye. I probably would turn it in (although to whom, I don't know) or would just leave it there. But whatever I would do, I wouldn't keep it. I'd probably get shot. o.O;
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Loyal, understanding, and fun. Why? Well, I've had some friends who have left me once they found out about my past or once they found out that I'm not a hyper happy-go-lucky girl 24/7. I want a friend who will be there no matter what they find out about me. Even when they see the real me, they'll still love me. And the same goes for understanding; I simply want someone who can listen to me cry or rant about things that have happened and then be there to comfort me and hold me. And fun? Well, I want someone who will watch movies and play video games with me, and not just sit around with an awkward silence! I hate those times...
What is your fighting style?: Gunblades are really cool, but I could never handle one. I'd probably be the one who would be summon GFs and healing everyone.
Pictures (optional): I'm extremely sorry, but I don't have any pictures of myself at this time.
Anything else?: Hm...not really. I'm still in the middle of FFVIII, by the way. I may not know all the characters completely well, but I'm getting through the game and would love to know who you think I'm most like! Rate me? =)