My gunblade brings all the boys to the yard!

May 28, 2006 08:00

Name: (real name if possible) Lauren Schumacher
Nicknames: Spike, My Darkness, Bitch, Gengis Khan, Nazi
Age: 19
Gender: Female

Likes: Naked honesty; preparedness; finishing what’s been started; tsukimi; swear words; lingerie; really awful historical reenactment footage; good southern French brie; ponies
Dislikes: Fake people; weak people; people who love playing the victim; children; love; small talk; reality television; the cult of celebrity; alcohol; geese
Hobbies: Video games (obviously); reading; studying history and language; thinking
Talents: Film editing; drawing; rhetoric; extreme flexibility
Strong Points: I am a strong person; I don’t take shit from anyone, for any reason. I never waiver once I’ve chosen a path, no matter what that path is.
Weak Points: My confidence tends to attract people, and I am unjustifiably cruel and sadistic to them at times. In other words, I tend to sugar-coat my antisocial tendencies with charisma.
Favorite Color: Green; Brown
Number One Goal: To one day build and live in a house with secret passages. I am of the opinion that this is the best life-goal anyone has ever had in the history of the world.

Optimistic or Pessimistic: Realistic
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: Quite normal
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing
Mature or Immature?: Too mature to think I'm anything but immature
Leader or Follower?: Leader

Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? This was the first video game I ever played, so I’m quite attached to all but a few characters. In particular, I am very fond of the relationship between Squall and Rinoa. Too often in video games characters fall in love because they are the male lead and the female lead, and that is what the male and female lead do. When they first meet, Squall and Rinoa don’t even like each other. They’re both flawed characters (Squall being an ass, Rinoa being irritating), but they grow out of their flaws through each other.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? I have no great love for Seifer. He’s a shameless bully who doesn’t even have to stones to follow through with his plan. His resolve is so weak that he needs the guidance of a crazed mother-figure. And I don’t like Zell either-I’m not sure his balls have dropped yet, and he’s terribly annoying as a result.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? Turn it in. Money is a reward for effort, and it’s beneath me to deprive someone else of their reward when I myself have done no work at all. I am not destitute-I would rather earn my own.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? I like friends with a strong sense of self, who are independent and are not afraid to stand up for themselves.
What is your fighting style? In reality, I am quite a good archer. I’m really too weak to swing gunblades around. But in my head, even Buffy couldn’t take me.

Pictures (optional):

Anything else?: This profile probably makes me sound like a total bitch. If that's the case, then it's pretty accurate. I'm sure I have some redeeming qualities, but for the most part I'm just an evil ho-bag.

stamped, seifer

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