Gunblade - A blade that shoots guns?!!!

Oct 11, 2006 01:36

Name: (real name if possible) Sarah
Nicknames: If I told you, I'd give it away <=X Meh, it's not really a nickname. I just managed to get a couple people to call me *beep* 'cause it totally rawks! ^.^
Age: 18
Gender: Female, but I don't really act like it.

Likes: I love video games, of course. Final Fantasy VIII is at least my favorite Final Fantasy, if not my favorite overall game. I like anime, too, and the whole convention/cosplay thing that goes with it. Food! I tend to like weird foods. I like to read too. Uuumm, I like to bike ride and rollerblade and stuff, just not by myself. Usually I rollerblade with my dog. He's a Husky, so he pulls really fast. Aaaand I'm going off on a tangent. I recently joined a role playing group at my college, and I've taken a real good liking to that ^_^ Oh, how could I forget! Yes, I love to draw. The things I tend to draw, well... I'll just say my drawings aren't a good thing to have out in public XD I like going to the movies. My favorite genres are action and comedy, but I'll watch pretty much anything, really. And I like just hanging out with friends and goofing off.
Dislikes: One thing I absolutely cannot stand is closed-minded people. Maybe not the people themselves, but the way they try to force their beliefs on others. I say just let everyone do their own thing, so long as they're not hurting anybody! Oh, I also hate tomatoes. It's weird, but I won't touch 'em. I also don't like bad drivers, though I do sometimes get road rage o.o; But that's only because of the bad drivers, and I've never crashed or got a ticket or anything. I don't like when people try to burrow into my personal business when I didn't ask for them to, and I don't like to be ignored or made to feel useless.
Hobbies: As I mentioned before, I like to play video games, cosplay, and draw =D I'm a bit more picky about my video games than movies. I like games that are interesting and unique, and I have a tendency to lean towards RPGs. When it comes to cosplay, I do make my own costumes. They're not amazing, but they hold together. I'm proud of them, at least =3 I also sit in front of my laptop until it's waaayy too late because I can actually sleep in. Is sleeping in a hobby? Normally, I wake up around 10:30. I also like to collect weaponry. I'm not gonna list what I have 'cause I think that will take up too much space, heheh.
Talents: I can ride a unicycle. The only thing I can do is ride forward and turn, though XP I guess drawing goes under this category too. I can make strainge noises, too. Like, impersonations and stuff. I do a real good impersonation of Jigglypuff, and I guess my Gollum (Lord of the Rings) isn't too bad either. Oh! I can impersonate Wookiees too XD Hm, I guess I'm also pretty good at figuring things out. Not, like, puzzles or anything... Just regular stuff. You know what I mean? Sometimes I play dumb, though, to make things more comfortable. I dunno if that's making any sense o.o; One more thing... I do have a talent for making people smile =3 I can be so crazy and funny. It rawks.
Strong Points: I'm very trustworthy and loyal, and I don't babble other people's secrets. As I just mentioned, I'm really good for a laugh. I'm real friendly and tend to liven things up a bit ^_^
Weak Points: I may not babble other people's secrets, but I do babble. A lot. And I can't keep my own secrets for beans. I can be way too insane and energetic, which is amusing at times, but usually ends up annoying the tar out of people. Also, I take offense to things wayyy too easily, hence the road rage mentioned earlier. I like getting even, but if I can't, then I tend to dwell on things. Yeah, I can be kindof obsessive. That annoys the heck out of people too. And I tend to have a lot of pride. I'm a fan of all 7 sins though XP
Favorite Color: Hm, probably a light purplish. Dunno why. I also like a mix of reds and yellows, like fire. And I've been told I look good in green.
Number One Goal: Basically, to be successful. My dream is to be a voice actor. Seems like a real cool thing to do, and people have told me I'd be good at it. So, realistically, I want to design/make video games, so my major is Graphic Art. What I really hope will happen is I'll be working on a video game, and they'll need voice actors for that game, and then since I'd be working on it already, I could give it a shot, and then I'd grow from there. Might not happen, but it definitely won't happen if I don't try!!

Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'm very optimistic. I don't like to be sad or anything. Even if something goes wrong, I always try to find something positive in the situation. Sometimes that might come off as me not caring, though. I do care, I just look for something positive.
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: I'm so hyper it's not even funny. Well, it is funny. But it gets annoying. So, that's when it's not funny. I've had energy drinks before to see what would happen, and they've had absolutely no effect on me. Because I'm so energetic, it also causes me to be loud, which is bad... Especially when I have to control my volume.
Impulsive or Cautious: Depends, I guess. I'm impulsive with almost everything, but there are a few things I'm really cautions about. Like, things that I really care about, like my laptop, money, my life. When I do something that I don't want my parents to find out about, I can get a bit paranoid. Other than that, I'm really out there. Me not thinking usually leads to some funny stuff. Nothing too serious. Only sometimes.
Outgoing or Shy: If you can't tell by now... Yeah, I'm very outgoing. When it comes to meeting new people, I do tend to control my outgoing-ness a bit so I don't scare them away. The way I usually am, though, is pretty insane. I'm not afraid to speak my mind, even if what I'm saying is kinda inappropriate, which it usually is XP
Mature or Immature?: I do come off as pretty immature, but I can be mature in situations that call for maturity. People don't really think that of me, though. Like when I first started driving, my friends criticized how I'd be a horrible driver. But I know that's something that has to be taken seriously, and I'm actually a pretty good driver. I just like to have fun as much as possible, which is what makes me seem immature. That, and I make dirty jokes XD
Leader or Follower?: I try to be a leader, I really do. Sometimes I just give up, though. Nobody follows me, which I'm pretty sure has a direct relationship to how I come off as immature. I do have the ability to take charge, and I've done it before. It's just A.) Not many people seem to want to follow me, as I already mentioned, and B.) I'm just lazy. Like, when it comes to a group project and I know there's somebody in the group that's a real hard worker, I'll let them take charge. But that's 'cause it's work ;P

Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Hands down, Zell Dincht. He's the greatest character of anything X3 Just... everything about him is totally amazing XP He's hilarious, adorable, and helped me a great deal in battles =3 I also really love characters that I can relate to, and I find that I relate to Zell really well ^_^
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? As much as I want to say Selphie... I'm honestly going to go with Rinoa. Sorry, but she just annoyed the heck out of me. She didn't seem too intelligent to me, and was pretty useless in the game, at least, to me she was. What I really couldn't stand was the way she bothered the heck out of Squall. He didn't really like her at first, but she kept bothering him and pushing and pushing... "I wanna know what you're thinking about, Squaaaalll! Blahblahblaaaah!" It got annoying. I just wanted to shake her and scream, "Leave him alone! He does not want to be bothered!"
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? I'd keep it! People try to be nice and say, "I'd turn it in," but I believe that actually faced with that situation, they'd keep it. Besides, even if they do turn it in, the bastard to whom they turned in the money would keep it. There'd be no way of finding who it belonged to anyways. Unless it was a check. In that case, you couldn't really keep it.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Most importantly, somebody who can tolerate my insanity, probably them being a bit insane too. I also want somebody that's open-minded. If they can't tolerate my beliefs and opinions, then a friendship just can't really work. I'm not asking that they share the beliefs, just understand and accept mine, and I'll do the same. Finally, I want somebody fun and lively. Somebody that knows how to let loose once in a while. Too many of my friends are so uptight and worried about acting "mature." Have fun while you can! Seriously.
What is your fighting style? Well, I did take a couple years of Tae Kwan Do lessons, but I didn't like that place. I didn't feel like I was really learning there. I wanted to find a new place, but I just never did. My parents were always like, "You already had lessons!" I tired explainging they weren't any good, but they never listened. Hm, if I could pick any weapon at all, I really like spears. However, you don't just carry a spear around, so I like to think about what I can use that I have that can be used to my advantage. The only weapon you can rely on for sure is your body, but using that with no weapon can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing.

Pictures (optional): Ooh, it's hard not to post cosplay pictures, 'cause I love my outfit XP Here's some quick pictures. I usually like my hair a two or three inches shorter, and my natural hair color is blondish. I mention this because I love my natural color much more than the way I dyed it T_T

I need glasses =O My vision sucks.

However, I usually wear contacts!

Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on:

Anything else?: I love to talk about myself, if you haven't noticed. Man, I don't really like those pictures of myself. I'm too lazy to re-do them though XD Oh, and just to let you know, I was being 100% honest on everything. I can be a bit over-confident, and that leads me to think that I'm right on the dot with this one character *won't say* And since I think that, I get the feeling that people might think my answers were skewed to that character. But they're not. Anyways! I'm really interested in what people have to say! =D

stamped, zell

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