Name: (real name if possible) Can't say~ sorry~
Nicknames: Demyx and Zack mainly, but also Cloud and the companion.
Age: 15.
Gender: female.
Likes: whatever’s in my userinfo? Which needs to be updated. All it really needs added are a few fandoms and such, no new hobbies or anything too interesting.
Dislikes: most people, food, eating a lot, family, peanut butter/peanuts, otp wars though there are some pairings i’m pretty much...... eweweweweweGETAWAYFROMME with, umm idiots, homophobes, basically those things everyone else hates but they’re here anyway? yeah. And more. A lot more.
Hobbies: photoshopping, video games, drawing, writing, and a few sports (volleyball and basketball mainly)
Talents: pssh, talents. I can lose anything, I can fuck up any conversation, can find the bright side to anything (it just takes a lot for me to believe the bright side~), uuum, I’ve been told I’m good at photoshopping and writing, and that I’m smart.All that? Perfectly open to debate.
Strong Points: loyal, creative, keeps to herself (for better or worse), uhh that’s basically it? People have told me I’m smart so I guess? ::shrug:: It really doesn’t show over the internet, I know.
Weak Points: shy lyke woah, whatever is said tends to come off as rude even if it’s not supposed to, basically just going on to list social issues, uuuh, short tempered, sadistic, apathetic, lazy, gets these waves of EMO for no reason, stubborn. For better or for worse I've got a sharp tongue and sometimes I'm willing to say things others won't, secretive, distant, etc.
Favorite Color: Blue, black, and white.
Number One Goal: Honestly? I don’t know. There’s so many things I want to do but I tend to give up goals half-way through or finish them but with little enthusiasm.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I’m pessimistic about pretty much everything except my friends. I won’t have them feeling down, not around me anyway.
Hyper or Calm or Normal Energy: I don’t know what you mean by ‘normal’ energy, normal would be different for all people, right? I guess I’m more suited to calm.
Impulsive or Cautious: I’m impulsive when I’m really scared but that’s not too often. All other times I’m overly cautious.
Outgoing or Shy: queen of socially awkward situations ftw 8D shy.
Mature or Immature?: I’m a balance. I can be whiny sometimes but I can also be logical at times.
Leader or Follower?: I’m independent. I don’t like taking orders, and I hate giving them. People like it when I’m a leader; I don’t. I don’t understand why people put their faith in me so easily. I also don’t like being a follower because at the same time what few ideas I throw out are ignored completely and what I suggest ends up being the solution to the problem.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? It goes back and forth~ I like most people. Squall, Laguna, Quistis, Zell and Irvine are my favourites. Squall because I like how he thinks, Irvine too, Laguna because he’s a dorkhead and I’m a sucker, Quistis because she’s just awesome, Zell because I want to glomp him, and Irvine also because he has that gorgeous smile of his. I melted when I first saw him~
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Selphie and Rinoa. I get fed up with Rinoa because she’s clingy and just ... ack, I just don’t like her. Selphie because while I don’t mind Zell’s crackpotedness? Hers drives me nuts. I don’t know why. And she keeps dying on me in the game. ::fistshake::
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? I’d turn it in. I’ve got a very guilty conscience... and I have no idea what I’d do with the money.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Loyalty; I want to know my friends wouldn’t leave me hanging. Unique; I want someone who thinks differently from all the others and isn’t afraid to do so. Respectfulness; I’m the odd (wo)man out in almost all cases and I appreciate whoever can accept me.
What is your fighting style? Battles drag on, but I keep defense a priority. I don’t attack a lot but when I do it’s powerful. Also, sadistic tendencies might kick in. My teacher told me if I killed someone, it'd be the most painful thing imagineable and absolutely silent. What's sad is? That's pretty accurate.
Pictures (optional): n/a.
Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on: not everyone needed votes, but I voted on the
ones that did. edit;
anotherAnything else?: ♥~