Name: (real name if possible) Brittney
Nicknames: Britt, Britters, BG, Luna
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Likes: ANIMALS...and...Hm, Lots of things. Life in general is wonderful. My hobbies I love which include but are not limted to: photography, anime, graphic design, writing/reading, and video games. I also like being a flower child. I love being free and im definately a peace loving hippie. I like comedy and being funny and laughing. I like people but im usually a loner. I like music and emo boys/girls. I love traveling.
Dislikes: Anything super violent. Like war and stuff. Bigots racists homophobes etc. Stupid and ignorant people. Arrogance. Closed minded people. Religion. Windmills!!! Onions. And Anthony Hopkins. *shudders*
Hobbies: See above 'likes' section. And in addion to that id say sewing and latch hook rugs. Also collecting things. Swords and pokemon cards mostly.
Talents: I can talk to animals. And im an empath. And I take good pictures.
Strong Points: Oh boy. I guess I would say Im pretty selfless, funny, generous. Im really in tune with my feelings and others around me. Im considerate thoughtful, smart, intellectual, and really outgoing. Im definately not afraid to say what I want when I want.
Weak Points: Im extremely stubborn and paranoid. I get over emotional at times and a bit dramatic. I tend to have a really short temper and resort to fighting before thinking things through.
Favorite Color: Green
Number One Goal: To be a great wife and never lose sight of who I am. I love myself inside andout and I never want to lose that. I always want to be unique and corky and such. I want to be a struggling photographer. =) and I want to help animals. When I get more money and time. =3
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I have my moments. For both. I wouldn't really consider myself either really...I guess that makes me realistic?
Hyper, Calm, or "Normal" Energy: Hyper mostly. Unless im sick and/or in a bad mood. Then I get real quiet.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive to the max. Unless its with something important.
Outgoing or Shy: Outgoing unless its someone I feel I need to give a good impression to. Ex) job interviews or in a public place with a lot of authority or something.
Mature or Immature?: I can definately be both but Id like to think im mostly mature.
Leader or Follower?: I try to be a leader but im almost always a follower
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Zell. He is most like me and one of the characters I felt didnt have enough development. He is so friggen awesome though. And Ive always just fallen in love with him.
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Selphie. She's cool but never really stuck out to me. I felt her and zell were overkill of hyperness. And she just got really annoying after awhile.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? Oh boy a million dollars. I think I might have to keep it -__-" thats pretty life changing. And who is dumb enough to lose that much...they kinda deserve it.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Honest, funny, and selfless.
What is your fighting style? With my bare hands. Using weapons is cheap. Seriously. Its much more proud to fight with your own strength
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1. Anything else?: Not that I can think of. <3