Name: Rebecca
Nicknames: Miss.Rebecca, Kitty, Becky
Age: 17
Gender: female
Likes: dogs, bunnies, colors and html.
Dislikes: celebrities and white gangster people. :|
Hobbies: My website and obviously playing FF.
Talents: HTML.
Strong Points: I have a good head on my shoulders and don't get caught up in all the drama other people do.
Weak Points: I'm so disgustingly codependent.
Favorite Color: Can I say more than one? Red, purple, green and black.
Number One Goal: To get out of the house but not be alone.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Hyper, Calm, or "Normal" Energy: hyper.
Impulsive or Cautious: A little bit of both.
Outgoing or Shy: Shy
Mature or Immature?: Both.
Leader or Follower?: Follower.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Squall because I like his attitude. He is bad ass. ^_^
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Probably Cid because for some reason he annoys me.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? Turn it in. Because I don't need money to make me happy.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? same attitudes, interests and hates as me.
What is your fighting style? Black Mage. Because magic is so petty. XD
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Please list the FIVE links to the users you have voted on: else?:Sorry if I did anything wrong on here. I don't usually fill these out.