Name: (real name if possible) Sandra
Nicknames: Lhy, cat, etc
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Likes: Many many things. I like drawing, reading and watching movies/tv shows mostly so I'm pretty interested on cinema. I love taking walks at the beach when it's winter. Taking walks altogether. I love love rain! Tea and fruits.. wah so many things! I am a manga-addict, more than anime and I love collecting anime/game figurines/action figures. Which also means I love playing videogames such as Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts
Dislikes: Cheese! Summer and spring, I have alot of allergies then. I don't like when people are late, I don't like when people are disrespectful, not just to me but to others aswell. Rudeness and people being ignorant just for the sake of it. I don't like when people cancel plans, and I hate it when they do it a few minutes before you're supposed to meet.
Hobbies: Reading and watching movies/tv shows is also something I enjoy doing. And taking walks, specially when it's raining. Playing videogames, drawing, of course.. etc
Talents: Drawing, mostly. I had piano lessons but it's been quite some time since I last played, so I can't be sure if I still can.
Strong Points: Friendly, caring, intelligent, sarcastic (well, I take it as a good quality). My family and friends fall under this department aswell.
Weak Points: Bossy sometimes and I might add sarcastic here aswell, other people don't often see it as a good quality. I also overthink things. I suppose family and friends fit here too.
Favorite Color: Black, red and white/beige
Number One Goal: To be a mom and open my own kindergarden.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic
Hyper, Calm, or "Normal" Energy: Mostly calm. I can get pretty energetic from time to time
Impulsive or Cautious: Cautious
Outgoing or Shy: Shy. Outgoing when I'm with my best friends, though.
Mature or Immature?: Mature
Leader or Follower?: Can be both. I do well leading but I like following too.
Assume the following each have "and why" at the end.
Who is your favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Raine and Quistis, I think. Quistis was my first favorito Final Fantasy character, just her introduction was the best, and it did for me when Squall is running from that giant robot-spider and she starts firing. Quistis is just the definition of cool. Raine.. I just thought she was so sweet and I really liked her story with Laguna <3
Who is your least favorite Final Fantasy VIII character? Hm. Selphie. It's kind of weird to say this but she reminds me of some beta for Rikku (FFX). There was a time I disliked her more, now it's just fine for me but it's still my least favorite.
You find 1 million dollars on the street. Would you keep it or turn it in? Turn it in. There's not a chance in hell you find that amount of money just lying there with no bag or anything, so it must belong to someone. Turn it in is what I'd do. It's not like when you find a coin lying around, how the heck will you turn in a coin? You won't.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Undestanding, loyalty and trust. I think it's the top three things anyone wants from another friend. You can't be friends with someone who simply doesn't get you, it doesn't mean you have to agree 100% on everything but you have to *understand* the other's point of view and accept them for who they are, it's just wrong trying to change someone. Okay, loyalty not like a blind dog following every thing you say, or defending you no matter if you're wrong or right but try and make you see that you're wrong when you are, it's important. I think trust is the key for friendship. If you rely on someone, you want them to be able for them to rely on you. If there's no intimacy between two friends, how can you call them friends?
What is your fighting style? I'd say anything with long-distance weapons. I'm not great when it comes to one-on-one combats. But I think I'd rather just use black/white magic.
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Anything else?: I don't think so, thank you~^^