Name: Holly.
Nicknames (no FFVIII nicknames though, as it might sway votes): Blue, Kitty, Creepy, Evil!Blue, Owen (in boots).
Age: 24.
Gender (and gender-rating preference, if you have one): Female, I'd prefer a male vote if possible, but I know characters are limited so I'll be ok with either.
Interests: Owen Wilson, live music, road trips, reading (Poppy Z. Brite & Chuck Palahniuk are favorites), taking photos, bull riding, forensics, Supernatural, yaoi, plushies, italian food, Dirty Jobs, neckties, cosplay, writing, singing, survival horror video games.
Pet Peeves: Guys who wear flip-flops with jeans, people who don't use their turn signals.
Hobbies/Talents: I'm pretty creative, and once I set my mind to something I obsess over it until I get it DONE. I like taking photos, and messing around in photoshop and I think I'm pretty good at it. I'm also a natural at shooting, I have great aim.
Dreams/Ambitions: I'd like to get a group together and be able to play music for lots of people, I love singing and it's always been a dream of mine to be able to tour around the country and do what I love.
Strengths: I'm pretty laid-back, so I don't buckle or panic in stressful situations. I'm honest and have no tolerance for bullshittery or whishy-washy indecisiveness, which usually results in people either being put-off by me or looking up to me.
Weaknesses: I'm a sore loser, and I can have a really cruel tongue if I'm angered.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: I'd probably rate somewhere on the pessimistic side of the scale, but I would rather call it realistic. Yes somehow I'm still a bit of a dreamer in spite of all that "pessimistic" talk. I guess that makes me a little hypocritical doesn't it?
Hyper, Calm, or Somewhere in Between? Calm. I never have been the type of person to bounce all over the place/climb the walls and babble on about mounds of nothingness like a meth addict. The most "hyper" I ever get is while watching an Owen movie, I sometimes get giddy and pummel my best friend if something overly cute/funny happens.
Impulsive or Cautious: Impulsive all the way, I tend to get bored with something if I over think it.
Outgoing or Shy: I'm fairly introverted. At first I seem unapproachable and intimidating, maybe even a little cold, but I'm actually quite friendly most of the time. And, I'm rather outgoing with the people I know, it's just hard to get through my walls. In fact, I love to laugh and make people laugh.
Mature or Immature?: Mature, I always have been. I grew up as an only child, raised by my Dad from age 6+ so I was always sort of forced to have more responsibility than other people/kids my age, and that stuck with me my whole life. I never did like to look stupid either, and you can't really be immature and be cool at the same time.
Leader or Follower?: Leader, especially if I'm interested or care about the situation. I get stubborn and bullheaded if I'm not appointed leader if I'm passionate in whatever is going on. I don't really like following people around unless I have to, or really am not interested.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend? Honest, good sense of humor, witty.
Are you more of a lover or a fighter? Both, baby ;)
What's your fighting style (FF or RL-verse)? I'm always all offense and no defense, and sometimes that can get me into trouble. But only sometimes.
Finally, if a situation isn't going the way you like, what do you do about it? Abandon it, or fight to assume control.
Pictures (optional):
Anything else we should know?: Nah.