Name: Shanna
Nicknames: Hime, Lethe, Crystal, Chibi
Age: 22
Gender: Female and I'd prefer female, but I understand if you think there's a male who'd fit better.
Astrology, "paranormal" things, anime, manga, books, graphics, friendship dynamics,romance of any kind/shape, mythology, foreign languages,classes that are more than boring lectures,video games, music, piano, violin, strong female characters, weak characters who are really strong or become strong ,tai chi, wing chung, martial arts in general...I have allot of interests and they're pretty diverse I suppose.
Pet Peeves:
reezing weather, too bright sunlight, crime drams, bullies, narrow minded people, most organized religions, days you forget to put on deoderant
Some say icons/graphics and stuff, some say singing, playing the piano, knack for foreign languages, noticing odd little details, cooking, fashion sense for everyone but myself, adapting to things.
I don't really have any actually. I'm pretty laid back and rather an underachiever.
I do dream about having lots of people watching my graphics community though. I guess it's kinda silly thing to want, huh?
Stubborn, intelligent, friendly, curious, minded to new beliefs and lifestyles,... Basically the stereotypical girl next door qualities complete with good cooking skills and hidden sass.
Did I mention stubborn well I'm also proud. I tend to be a little too pigheaded and sometimes my personal views on my own abilities skew my judgement. I'm also rather naive, especially considering my age: I tend to be the last person to understand innuendo and often have to have people younger than me explain what certain things mean. I also get addicted to things easily: anime shows, iconing, rating comms but I have issues keeping my interest up and not petering out. Oh yeah, and I bite my nails and I've issues with certain emotions viewing things like crying, fear, and the like as weaknesses and despise when I show them in myself (yet it only mildly frusterates me with others)
Optimistic or Pessimistic:
For the most part I'm unhealthily optimistic but I have bouts of pessimism when I'm depressed or just having a bad day.
Hyper, Calm, or Somewhere in Between?
I'm a little more hyper than calm. As a child I was diagnosed with ADHD and while I've outgrown most of the issues, I still tend to be somewhat energetic in personality and behavior. I can be quite a bit calmer than my friends though.
Impulsive or Cautious:
Impulsive. I'm more the act/speak before I think type. The fact that I tend to shoot from the hip tends to get me in trouble with friends who are on the more sensitive side as they take what I say as being too harsh, caustic and demanding.
Outgoing or Shy:
Shily outgoing? If I'm uncomfortable in a situation I'll come off as being shy and introverted but in my comfort zone I'm outgoing and confident.
I'm more comfortable around people I'm familiar with.
Mature or Immature?:
Online people tend to think I'm younger than I am because I come off as being to cheerful too... genki to be older. (Genki is.... an anime stereotype that suits me fairly well. I tend to fall into sort of a Genki Tsundere no matter how odd that may sound. I'm cheerful, optimistic, and confident like a Genki but I can be rather two faced, showing one thing in public and one thing in private like a tsundere)
Leader or Follower?:
I don't much like being a follower but I'm probably not the best to be the head honcho either. I think I'm happiest as second in command. Authority but not complete control so that I have someone to go to when I need help/advice, but if they're incompetent I'll take control in a heartbeat.
What are the 3 top characteristics you look for in a friend?
Intelligence, loyalty, and similar interests
Are you more of a lover or a fighter?
I love love but love doesn't love me back. Which is why I tend to stick to fighting as I'm a failure when it comes to keeping a relationship.
What's your fighting style (FF or RL-verse)?
In real life I tend to be a little aggressive. I've slugged several people on gut reaction just because they've gotten a little too close. It's often best to try and get a hit in quickly before they have the chance to attack first after all. That doesn't mean I fight dirty though, I believe in fighting fair. (Doesn't mean I won't throw in a shin kick or two but hey I didn't knee the guy in the groin so that's fair and clean right?)
Finally, if a situation isn't going the way you like, what do you do about it?
Sometimes you have to accept it. Life can be kind of lemony like that. You don't always get to have your way. That doesn't mean that I wouldn't try my best to change whatever I could to improve the situation.
Pictures (optional):
Cameras steal your soul! Seriously though, I hate pictures 'cause I'm fat so I avoid them when possible. I have a fairly cheerful face, dark blonde hair that falls to mid-shoulder, hazel eyes (that mysterious color change green/brown/gold type), really pale skin, and lots of freckles on my shoulders but hardly anywhere else. I come across as looking like a maternal type because of how I'm built not to mention the openness of my face. Kids seem to love me for some reason because of it.
Anything else we should know?:
Be careful not to jump on just one part of this ramble. It was written in a couple sittings so try to look at the whole, practically bi-polar package, please? I've had ratings where people have said "Oh I was going to say -blank- but you answered just one question like -blank- so I think you're more like -blank". One question shouldn't change your entire outlook on a person, that's kinda silly.
Did I mention being opinionated yet? XD