OK so story time with Elgin, because of a memory i had obviously locked away until last weekend.
Once upon a time I wasn't very knowledgeable about music. Most people call this time high school, I like to call it suffering through 4 years of bull crap (I'm not really into the whole brevity thing). During my formative years i mostly listened to oldies. Good music but it didn't come from me. It was my parents and grandparents music. Radiohead is one of the groups that changed that for me. Up until last weekend I had put out of my mind how I discovered them.
It was early November of 1996. I had just gotten my drivers license the month before and still didn't have a car. I had really only driven by myself once or twice. My girlfriend at the time, April, really wanted to go and see Romeo & Juliet. I convinced the parents to let me borrow my mothers Saturn so i could take her. We watched the movie. She loved it. I liked it because I'm a fan of Shakespeare. At the end of the movie however I decide to wait until the theater cleared out a little as it was extremely crowded.
April was talking about how much she loved the movie and how it really helped her understand the language. My internal dialogue makes the remark that its ENGLISH and there shouldn't be that much problem understanding it. My internal dialogue can be kind of a dick by the way. While she is talking and I'm paying just enough attention to keep up with her conversation I hear Exit Music (For A Film). For someone who had just rushed out a few months earlier to buy Fairweather Johnson this was like seeing a Picasso for the first time when your only exposure to art was hotel room watercolors. I literally shushed April. She was pissed. I didn't care. I was enthralled.
This was before the time when you could get whatever music you wanted off the internet. Instead I went to Best Buy and Circuit City looking for it. I knew the name of the song from the end of the credits. This proved to be no help as the album the song was on, OK Computer, wasn't coming out for SIX MONTHS. During my search I discovered this was the same band that had done Creep which I was a fan of but it hadn't captured a great deal of attention. I bought Pablo Honey and The Bends that day and let them tide me over till that following summer. Strangely that following summer April ,who was a year older than me, cheated on me and left for college. Perfect timing for OK Computer to come out and me to feel awful about life.
Its years later and I have a deeper understanding of the album. I love Radiohead. I listen to metric tons of music gotten from the internet. But sitting on my friend Anthony's couch on Saturday morning watching the end of Romeo & Juliet I was reminded of a different time in my life. A time I had forgotten for the most part. It sat behind the veil of that awful summer between junior and senior year of high school.