The following people have until TOMORROW, Wednesday 18th March 2pm GMT to submit an icon:
darlaslilgirl ***
zippogirl Note: *** means you have NO SKIPS LEFT so you must enter to avoid disqualification! Please get your icons in
to the challenge post here!
[You can use this
time zone converter to check what time the deadline is in your time zone.]
Voting Questions:
Owing to the lack in/decreasing amount of votes lately I wanted to get some feedback from you regarding the voting system. If you need any clarification regarding some of the possible answers I've provided just ask. If you want to add any of your own suggestions/further feedback/supplement any of your answers, please feel free to go ahead in the comments (which I have screened).
The voting for this challenge will work the same as previous weeks but if there is enough substantial feedback I make make changes/improvements to the system, possibly even before the round is over.
Poll Questions about Voting