I've been doing the whole warm water with salt gargle thing. But it kills me to swallow too. My throat infection hurts so bad that it's traveled to my ears and I have really bad ear aches now which bother me the most. I went to Urgent Care to try to get an antibiotic or something, but as always, they send me on my way and tell me to just take advil for the pain. This is the same place who many times before told me I didn't have strep throat and then called a week later when I was feeling better and told me that the second test results said I did have it and "oops, their mistake". I hate them. They bascially robbed me out of $35. I have rehearsal today which is just blocking and then I don't have rehearsal again until Sunday so I'm hoping I'm better by then. We shall see. Hope you're feeling better sooooooon!
Comments 2
my OBGYN told me to gargle with vinegar! it was sooooo gross!
we are sick sick sickkies!
i hope it doesn't hurt your show schedule :-/
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