This is innocence.

Sep 06, 2005 11:27

Accuse me of nothing lest it relate somehow to carving grinning fools faces into cathedral archways!
Blame me baby and work related malaise for this one.

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Take the quiz.
Post your results.
1) How tall is odbo? Can't say for certain, although I've envisioned him as a brooding giant behind a glittering deck
2) Does catlike_product travel a lot? She lives in California and needs to travel to the UK (to discover the secret of Gabey Genesis)
3) Does eimhinjensen have a big secret? Only our bath-tub can scroll that hid warning
4) What languages does mirasaurus speak? Goya happy place velvet van mufflerspeak
5) Would neopolaris be a better ninja or pirate? Pirate for sure, the corsettes cement that status
6) How would teriathanin kill slimylimes? Pulsating fisticuff salsa engorgery...a damp electric labyrinth...a nervous silence..add and stir!
7) What planet should neopolaris be from? nihilismo/eternalismo....faeries that don't believe faeries exist
8) Is mirasaurus a nerd? in a lessie veggie way
9) What comic book character would catlike_product be? lady fangirl (backstage bouncer on the growing up tour)
10) Is thuleatan in a relationship? he seems to be married to his work
11) Is amazin_grace introverted or extroverted? hafta be to be a mommy right? especially if your kid is almost as tall as you after only a few years :P
12) What is besideserato's favorite food? her own pastorally solipsist clitoris probably
13) Is alousybum popular? a self professed shut-in if memory serves, im sure he has his compatriots though...start with me
14) How long have you known odbo? the dawn of IDM
15) What do you disagree with mirasaurus about? her flitty departure to alligator infested coral reef
16) Is ivoryminstrel 1337? hahaha...I can just see the frilly bodice contrasting a finely chizelled pipe organ, but would the church accept a pan-ascetic simply because she could blow some dhastardly arpeggios?
17) What is jenniferblaufra's favorite movie? the animated "harmony machine" movie which I tirelessly constructed and may never be released (in my mind)
18) slimylimes's hair color? blonde, ever-paler and shinier simaltaneously each time I see it
19) Do you have gembobelse's screenname? Why arent they asking more questions about our supernatural licklife?
20) Do teriathanin and eimhinjensen go to the same school? wow...1 degree removed...I went to hers and his, and they went to me :)
21) What is christopherdm's favorite color? im thinking red, for the blood of rock and rolls tiny list of true martyrs
22) If jenniferblaufra commanded an army, who would be his/her followers? those who relish both hip hop and prog (raises hand)
23) Would you set up gembobelse and shi_chans_box? check please... (juan might)
24) Is alousybum related to you? in the ear
25) What is odbo's biggest flaw? no disrespect..but his sullen entries never live up to his techno-shaman audio freak appeal
26) Is christopherdm single? he was for far to long, apparently
27) What would you do if thuleatan died? hang my head in reverance of a missing puzzle piece
28) Which of your friends should ivoryminstrel go out with? damn, she seems deserving of a harp plucking perseus..thuleatan perhaps?
29) What would jenniferblaufra think of alousybum? "let's jam"
30) What flavor of jello would catlike_product be? beck's hair
31) What animal should thuleatan be combined with? wolf serpeantfly
32) What video game does sissymoonchild remind you of? kirby the crackspectre
33) Is slimylimes a high school student? soon she's all growed up and living with her man!
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