so i have really bad strep throat. prolly the worst i've ever had. so i've been in bed for 3 days straight and decided it was time to post some pictures.
Thanks to all my friends who have called to see if i'm ok and told me they loved me and thanks especially to casey for bringing me food everyday.
This was jacks pub the night we got out ids taken away.
here is taryn and her friend from california
The girls and random cory's face
me and lace face
my dg girls
Amanda, her big, her boyfriend and her brother
me and chad
Amanda and cory <3<3<3
My freakin awesome glasses
my head looks way bigger than justines in this picture
ben blair ruined our cute picture.
Rob and brandon. silly phi kap boys.
ok this is abby, i saw her in the main and she has lost like 25 pounds its ridiculous.
casey being silly
me and casey
allie is the coolest for staying out till 5 with me in dallas.
how cute
they played la bamba for us
my mom was so drunk after one joe t's margarita.
ok thats all for now byebye