Supernatural, Season 1, Episode 8: "Bugs"

Aug 15, 2010 13:14

Master List

Once again no pics. Maybe I'll put up a gif or something]

Episode 7: "Hookman"

I DO NOT like this episode. I mean it isn't as bad as the that one episode that will not be mentioned until we get to that point. But I never felt this was one of the strongest episodes. Sure there are a few funny bits. Like the running gag of thinking the boys are together, together. But other than that it wasn't executed the best way.

However, after hearing interviews of what the boys went through [that Jared and Jensen] I can't help but commend than and hope that the episode had been more powerful. So, this overview is going to be really short. Mostly because as much as I am not a big fan of this episode it isn't bad enough that I'll lampoon it. [I am saving that for a certain episode in season 1]

Our victim is a gas worker who falls in a hole and gets killed by buggies. The boys show up disguised in plain clothes as his nephews, but they are still relatively unsure as to what supernatural business is going down. While collected information they get mistaken as a gay couple TWICE, and really they don't gather too much information for the case, but there is enough plus a nice shower that Sam and Dean stay one night. The next victim is one of the sales people and she gets killed by spiders.

Fun fact: When learning about the Realtor's death Sam and Dean both have umbrellas. It is the only time in the show they ever have those.

The guy who is incharge of building the little place has a son who likes bugs so Dean thinks it is him at first. Of course it isn't and Sam has been having some bonding time over being their father's least favorite child. Dean is not happy over that but at times Dean seems to think their father is a god so it's really hard to see Sexy!Daddy clearly.

Eventually they find out it's an Indian curse and they need to get the people out of there. Of course things don't go as planned and they are attacked by bugs. There is nothing to do but wait it out and that's when the attacks stop. So, Sam and Dean don't really show much of their hunting prowess. They do however show how quick thinking they are.

In the end the guy's son is a little creeped out by bugs and all is well. Except no one is ever going to live on that land!


Episode 9: "Home"

dean, season 1, quick, sam, snark, overview, supernatural, episode 8

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