More notes from my Ravenloft Pathfinder game...
Once more the party ventures into the mists of Barovia... They determine that these mists are not natural, but seem to be controlled by magic of some kind. Setting forth in formation, they again encounter zombies, but this time are better prepared. Swift blows and sharp arrows stop the initial rush, and then Zidara's channeling alerts the party to the presence of the other zombies in the mist. There is a brief moment of danger when Yves-Michel takes point and encounters a corpse infested with dire maggots. They paralyze him and would have fed on his flesh, but for the timely intervention of his companions. The corpse proves to be the body of an unlucky merchant.
Continuing on, they finally reach the village square. There, a paladin named Ashlyn has fortified the area with torches and barricades, but she is seriously wounded and has a broken leg. As she fires her massive Eisen crossbow at the oncoming zombies, the party rushes to her aid. They are attacked from below by zombie swine who have burrowed underneath the barricades, but are able to dispatch them before the swine drag anyone into an early grave.
Ashlyn is a member of the Lightbringers Guild, who arrived in town with two companions searching for the Sunsword, a powerful relic. Her companions are missing, having last been seen headed in the direction of the church. The party splits up to gather information, retrieve their horses, and burn the bodies of the zombies they have killed to prevent spread of the infection, all while keeping a watchful eye on the mist. In the tavern, they meet Ismark, the son of the burgomeister, who is terribly drunk. Niccolo also plays some cards with three Vistani gypsies. Information is traded with the men who run the mercantile in town, Bildrath and Patch.
After hearing many tales, of werewolves, witches, and worse, the party decides to rest for the few hours remaining of the night, replenish their spells and regain their wits, and then head out to the church. A night on the floor of the tavern is uncomfortable, but welcome. In the late morning, the mists have lessened a bit, and they venture forth. The doors are barred, and little can be seen through the stained-glass windows, which are adorned with saints and ravens. The party heads to the back of the church, but there is no entrance there either. From behind the church they can see the graveyard and something moving in the mists...