I hate my typist.

Feb 26, 2006 15:49

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Post your results.
1) Would you wrestle duke_hastur in jello? ... No.
2) Are _hellblazer_ and lordofthefiles married? There are not enough ways to say no strongly enough,
3) Is duke_hastur dead sexy? In a manner of speaking,
4) Would duke_hastur go out with reign_inhell? I sincerely hope not.
5) Is fallen_moriel athletic? As much as anyone.
6) How many monkeys could willwork4souls fight at once and win against? I weep for the carnage of the monkeys.
7) How would duke_hastur kill bloodandsilk? By nicknaming him to death.
8) Is lordofthefiles related to spheresconfound? I'll spare you the debate.
9) If _hellblazer_ and reign_inhell were spliced together, what would be its name? I am not touching this question with a 10-foot pole.
10) What is lordofthefiles's biggest flaw? He's chained to his desk.
11) Has reign_inhell dyed their hair? Not as far as I know.
12) Does lordofthefiles know willwork4souls? .... I'd hope so.
13) What color should spheresconfound dye their hair? Red.
14) What planet should bloodandsilk be from? Earth. I mean, /really/.
15) Is duke_hastur single? No.
16) What would duke_hastur give spheresconfound for his/her birthday? A coronary.
17) Would you ever date spheresconfound? atfadfafadfd NO.
18) Where was willwork4souls born? Heaven.
19) What would willwork4souls do differently in your shoes? I would prefer not to think about that.
20) Would you set up _hellblazer_ and spheresconfound? My husband. Mine.
21) Does duke_hastur drink? Last I knew.
22) If _hellblazer_ was a superhero, who would be his/her archnemesis? I think it's obvious who his archnemesis is.
23) What comic book character would reign_inhell be? Wonder Woman. No, really.
24) When did you last call reign_inhell? Right before I was expelled.
25) Is lordofthefiles a college student? No.


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