After a week of depression, binge eating, and just generally feeling like shit, I'm starting to climb out of this dark hole of despair.
Bob came over last night, we talked a bit, then decided to go out. It was just what I needed. We drank, we danced, we laughed, then we went to get food. I got home around 4, slept until 2, and spent my day off getting shit done.
I've prepped my meals for the week, and just need to make some tuna and cut some celery. I've gotten the Christmas decorations out of storage, put up the tree, and got a load of laundry done. I cooked a steak and vegetables for dinner, took all my meds, and walked the dog.
I'm going to try and get the tree decorated tonight, maybe start some Christmas cards and decorate the apartment.
I need to get back into some sort of work out schedule, whether I go at it alone or convince someone else to go with me. I want to get to yoga. I'm better at making excuses than taking action. That needs to change.