Title: Four Times Shige Gave Ryo a Piggy Back Ride (and One Time He Didn't)
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Ryo x Shige
Word Count: 1370
Summary: As the title says.
A/N: For prompt #35 @
ryoshige_thon. [/pimp pimp pimp]
"Shige, carry me."
Shige snorts. "Why would I?"
"Because I said so," Ryo replies, making a 'duh' face.
Shige snorts again.
"Stop that, it's disgusting," Ryo snaps.
Shige sighs.
"I'm tired," Ryo whines.
"From an interview and a photoshoot?" Shige asks skeptically.
"It's mental exhaustion," Ryo explains seriously. "All those dumb questions, they will lead to my early retirement. Unless you act like a good kouhai and loving band mate and carry me up these fucking stairs. Seriously, Shige, where is your member love? What would Kei-chan say? I'm sure he'd be all sad and heartbroken if he witnessed this, and he would get all teary and stare at you with his small squinty eyes until you-"
"Alright, alright," Shige cuts in, massaging his suddenly aching temples. "Anything, just shut up already. Please."
Ryo grins.
"Why do I have to carry you?" Shige whines, cursing what suddenly feels like a ridiculously long distance between their office and the dance studio.
"Think about this first before the next time you go and crush my leg with your clumsy, fat ass," Ryo hisses in his ear, tightening his hold around Shige's neck viciously.
Shige sputters, partly because his windpipe isn't very happy with Ryo at the moment and partly because Ryo is being a total drama queen. "I didn't crush your leg. And I don't have a fat ass," he adds, because if Ryo can be a stupid, sulky brat at his age, so can Shige.
"Oh yeah?"
Shige can feel Ryo's smirk against the side of his neck briefly, before his attention takes an abrupt 180 to the hand now groping his ass.
"Hm. Alright, I take that back. It is a nice ass," Ryo murmurs, and Shige knows him enough to know he's still grinning in that nasty sort of way Shige probably shouldn't like as much as he does. "You're still clumsy as fuck, though."
Shige blushes furiously, glad that Ryo can't see his face now (while knowing Ryo knows he won, anyway).
Shige blinks, groans, turns over to grope for his cell phone on the bedside table. It takes him a while to find it, but sadly, the caller seems to be someone with infinite patience. Or no sense of shame.
Possibly both.
Shige squints at the screen and can't quite decide which piece of information makes him more exasperated; the 1:41 a.m. or the name flashing under it.
"What," Shige snaps into the receiver, approximately two seconds before realizing he could have just ignored Yamapi, were he not the sad loser he apparently is.
"Shi-ge-a-ki," Yamapi sing-songs, trailing off into what sounds like a helpless giggle fit.
Shige rolls his eyes. "Yamashita?"
"Shige!" Yamapi exclaims in shit-faced delight.
More laughter. Shige would like to think he's only imagining the high-pitched Akanishi Giggles of Doom in the background, but Yamapi is fast to crush his hopes.
"Shige! Guess what! Bakanishi lost Ryo-chan!"
Shige blinks.
There's an indignant screech and what sounds like a clumsy scuffle over Yamapi's phone.
"Don't believe him!" Jin whines sadly. "It was like, totally not my fault this time!"
"Okay," Shige says, slightly bewildered. "Lost Ryo? You... what?"
"Ugh, well." It's Yamapi again and - scary as that is - Shige can practically hear his thoughtful pout over the line. "We're not sure, either. It all started when Ryo-chan came over around six and you know how Jin brought back this reeeeally suspicious blue stuff from Ca-li-for-ni-a, right, so we got started on that and then Ryo said we are like a bunch of old farts getting drunk at home all time and-"
"I don't need the whole story," Shige cuts in hurriedly. He has the feeling he might just know where this is going, and he's not liking it much. "Let me guess, you left Nishikido in some bar God only knows where and now you're too drunk to go back for him."
"Shige!" Yamapi exclaims, sounding appropriately awed and simultaneously amused. "You will save Ryo-chan, right?"
"From nasty old molesters!" Jin shouts in helpfully.
Shige spends a few seconds imagining that and can't help snorting at the mental image. 'Helpless' just isn't a word he associates with Nishikido Ryo; not now, not ever.
"Alright," Shige says, and just because he's still pissed about being woken; "What's in it for me?"
A day-off is so not worth this, Shige thinks glumly as he hoists Ryo's legs back up around his waist, trying to ignore the curious or just plain amused stares they get from passersby.
"I wish you would at least stop squirming around," he mutters, and just because he knows Ryo's too out of it to care anyway; "Just for the record, you have the dumbest friends in the world."
Ryo giggles.
"You've gotta be kidding me," Tegoshi whines as they turn the corner, pointing an accusing finger at the 'under maintenance' sign stuck on the elevator's door. "I've just done a concert, I don't think I can move. Leader, do something!"
"Saa." Yamapi pouts thoughtfully, tilting his head this way and that while the rest of the group stares at him, waiting. "Well, that sucks for us," he concludes after a few moments with a careless shrug, turning towards the staircase at the end of the corridor. "You guys coming?"
Tegoshi mumbles something about incompetent leaders that has Koyama laughing and shaking his head at him as they go to follow. Massu's already ahead of everyone, never one to think too much about the unavoidable, however unpleasant.
Ryo just sighs and doesn't say anything as he starts climbing, one hand on the railing, the other tugging his backpack behind him halfheartedly. Shige thinks he should probably feel thankful for the unexpected lack of bitching, but then he remembers that Ryo is sick as a dog and desperately trying to hide it. If Shige himself feels exhausted, he can only imagine the state Ryo's in. He makes such a pathetic picture like that, Shige finds himself wincing for him every time Ryo almost-stumbles over a step or his own two feet.
Shige sighs and reaches out, stopping Ryo with a hand on his elbow. "Wait."
"What?" Ryo asks, blinking over his shoulder at Shige blearily.
Shige can't believe he's doing this, but then Ryo promptly sneezes, scrunching his nose in a decidedly adorable way.
"I'll carry you," Shige says in a rush. "If you. Um. If you want me to," he adds lamely when Ryo raises an eyebrow at him.
A few moments pass in silence, Ryo seeming to contemplate the idea while Shige waits with his breath held.
"Are you two coming?" Koyama shouts from somewhere above.
"In a moment," Shige replies, and now it's his turn to do some eyebrow-lifting of his own. "So?"
When it finally comes, Ryo's smile is slow and sleepy, lacking its usual sharp corners.
For once, it doesn't make Shige feel like a moron at all.
"Shige, carry me."
Shige snorts. "Why would I?"
"Because I said so," Ryo replies, making a 'duh' face.
Shige snorts again. "I'm not falling for you this time."
Ryo pouts, and he is not cute while doing so, nope, not at all. Shige is going to put his foot down this time.
Luckily, the staff is already ahead of them. It gives Shige the opportunity to tug Ryo under the staircase (where it's shady) and push him against the wall, watch his mock-indignant expression melt into something entirely different as Shige parts his knees with his own.
Ryo grins. "Kinky."
Shige smiles back slowly, delighting in Ryo's little gasp as he grinds into him. "Walk?"
"What if I don't?"
Shige's smile widens as he pushes away from the wall, from Ryo, his hands raised in the air. "Then nothing, that's what."
Ryo narrows his eyes. "Slut. Evil, manipulative little slut."
Shige shrugs. "I learned from the best."