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Comments 22

sweetxseoul May 13 2009, 21:57:23 UTC
i'm scared of my crush thinking that i'm some crazy stalker.
lol i hope that helped...


i'm also scared of spiders and paper cuts


fdjhdsjfhsdjfjshfjk SPIDERS *shivers* bambinainnero May 13 2009, 22:02:43 UTC
and yes, looking like a crazy stalker MIGHT be a bit of a problem, lol
but you're not..right? 8D


Re: fdjhdsjfhsdjfjshfjk SPIDERS *shivers* sweetxseoul May 13 2009, 22:04:20 UTC
haha... of course not /sarcasm
no i'm just kidding lol
i always tell myself that i'm not a stalker, i'm just in love with him


hiddenxplaces May 13 2009, 22:04:22 UTC
LOL, I have the exact same problem so I don't think it's that weird, actually ; ) *hugs*

Good luck for your exam!


bambinainnero May 13 2009, 22:15:09 UTC
A lot of people seem to be afraid of things like this, at least I'm not alone lol.

and thanks, bb :D


sallyna_smile May 13 2009, 22:23:15 UTC
Beh, il buio fa paura un pò a tutti... credo xD quindi tranquilla, non sei la sola.
La mia paura più grande è quando squilla il telefono dopo le 21.00...non so perchè ma mi si gela il sangue... è normale?? xD
Se poi ci metti il TERRORE delle api/vespe/calabroni.... allora sono proprio morta xD


bambinainnero May 13 2009, 22:37:43 UTC
LOL boh ma non è tanto il buio in sè (io amo il buio ♥ xD) ma quanto proprio il pensiero di qualcuno che entra nella mia stanza mentre io sto dormendo e non sono cosciente :| boh xD come se metà città fosse lì ad aspettare che venga notte per entrare in camera mia mentre dormo eh xDDDD
un mesetto fa mi sono svegliata tipo alle 4 di mattina che sentivo dei PASSI fare avanti e indietro per la mia stanza..stavo tipo morendo :| poi è saltato fuori che era mio fratello che stava andando a sciare e cercava i suoi guanti nel mio armadio _-_ ma ho seriamente perso 10 anni di vita rotfl.

api/vespe/calabroni fanno abbastanza schifo direi, sisi xDD


hikaru_daydream May 13 2009, 22:33:18 UTC
Clowns. o.o

All clowns (Ronald McDonald included) and anything clown related.

That circus/creepy-as-hellz-clown music terrifies me. O.O


bambinainnero May 13 2009, 22:41:51 UTC
lol, i've always thought clowns were a bit creepy, but I've never really understood what is it that scares so many people xD
is there a particular reason why you find them scary? *is curious*


hikaru_daydream May 14 2009, 00:33:49 UTC
When I was really little I actually liked clowns - I used to watch that Bozo the Clown show and everything (now that would be torture), but at some point clowns became absolutely horrifying.

....And I don't really know why.

I'm not sure what it is exactly about them that frightens me so, but I do know that the perpetual smile thing is extremely creepy. :shudders:

Not really a clear explanation, I know, but for me there wasn't a real trigger to this phobia. I get so truly terrified that I will have an actual panic attack if faced with one.

I just REALLY. HATE. CLOWNS. :stabz:


bambinainnero May 14 2009, 08:38:20 UTC
lol it's okay bb *hugs* thanks 8D


kelsigrint May 13 2009, 22:38:54 UTC
hehe, i know a lot of people with a similar phobia; you're not alone!

i have a phobia of waking up and seeing someone in my doorway, or through the window, so i have to have my door and blinds closed (the window itself can be open, i just need it to be covered).

but if you're looking for weird, i used to have a phobia of styrofoam. >.


bambinainnero May 13 2009, 22:48:58 UTC
lol yeah, a lot of people are afraid of things like this, I wonder why :| and why would anybody even wait for me to fall asleep and then get into my room in the middle of the night, it's dumb 8D

phobia of styrofoam (--had to look it up lol)? ok, that is weird indeed, lol.


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