Title: Being Humane
Author: bambiscott
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairing/Characters: Caroline, Bonnie, Jeremy, Tyler, Forwood, Bonnie/Jeremy
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 626
Summary: What do you get when a witch, vampire and vampire hunter live together? Prompt: Based on the show Being Human
“You’re a witch. I’m vampire.”
“And he’s Jeremy.”
Nothing in their lives were normal.
Long ago, four months to be exact, Bonnie and Caroline, who only knew each other briefly stumbled upon Jeremy, a lost soul who was now hunting vampires. The young man had been tracking Caroline who was tracking Bonnie who was tracking a warlock named Luka. Needless to say only one in their party had died so far.
But each roommate had a past that haunted them.
Caroline grew up and died in 1864 where her then husband Damon Salvatore turned her into a vampire. Caroline Forbes never wanted to be a bloodsucker but with each passing year she lives for the day to see her ex-husband to extract her revenge. All she wants is to find love and happiness but with living forever she may never get her happy ending because in fairy tales it fades to black, to dust, to death.
Jeremy Gilbert never believed that vampires were real but four years ago he knew it was true. His older sister Elena had been killed, her body drained of blood, it took him awhile but he put the pieces together. So he spent the next couple of years searching for the one who killed his sister. That’s why he had been tracking Caroline, apparently her husband was the one who murdered his sister. But after he was forced to talk to Caroline he found out that she wanted Damon dead as well. He’ll never have a family now because someone will just end up killing them.
Bonnie Bennett’s story was different. She grew up in a loving family of witches and warlocks. Her Grams taught her spells and her father taught her Latin. No tragedies happened. But the thing about covens, they expect you to marry into another one. She had just turned eighteen when her father told her she was going to marry Luka Martin. Greta, Luka’s sister, had been one of Bonnie’s childhood friends. Surprisingly it had been Luka who ran. Bonnie did what she was told to and followed Luka. She doesn’t remember the details but her almost fiancé is dead and she will never be welcomed into her coven again.
Bonnie wasn’t sure how she moved into this house, it had been Caroline’s idea but that didn’t mean Bonnie listened to them but here she was eating her lucky charms cereal for breakfast sitting with her roommate Caroline who was sipping on some blood.
Jeremy comes into the kitchen with a man whose like a lost puppy following him. Tyler, Jeremy’s new ‘pet’, as Caroline calls him, had taken up residence on their couch for the past three nights.
“I would advise you to get that mutt out soon Jeremy.”
Jeremy gives Caroline a smirk. “And I would advise you not to piss off my pet Caroline after all he is a werewolf.”
“One bite can kill you.” Tyler states as he snaps his jaw together in Caroline’s ear.
Caroline, whose rather irritated, leans away from Tyler quickly as possible. “Bonnie! You live here too please join this conversation and be on my side.”
Bonnie sighs as she puts her spoon back into her bowl. “Caroline for the last time I’m okay with Tyler staying here. After all the full moon just passed and he looked kind of sickly. No offense Tyler.”
“None taken Bonnie. I gotta go work calls.”
Tyler leaves the room leaving the three roommates left looking at each other. Jeremy gives Bonnie a look making her blush as Caroline grunts in annoyance.
“Quit goggling each other and just do it already.”
Bonnie gives Caroline a look before calmly stating. “We’ll stop when you figure out that you like Tyler.”
“Never going to happen.”
Jeremy gives Caroline a smirk as he makes his way out of the room. “It probably will because I told Tyler he would stay indefinite.”
“Jeremy!” Both girls scream in union.
Seems like things are just getting started in this house.