BamfGirl143: Score 0 for JR.
BamfGirl143: >=P
ChiaCow9: No, score a billion for me. I was into... uh, movies, before all you guys.
ChiaCow9: And I know you've watched a lot of those.
BamfGirl143: No, I was raised on movies. Good movies. Unlike you.
BamfGirl143: Come to think of it, you only watch crappy movies. That gives you negative points.
ChiaCow9: Oooh, don't go there! I Destroy With My Movies.
ChiaCow9: You'll get served, double time.
BamfGirl143: No, I conquer the Earth with my movies.
BamfGirl143: You'll get f-ed in the a.
ChiaCow9: Amanda, watch you're mouth.
ChiaCow9: Oooh. Score 1.
BamfGirl143: I did. I censored myself.
ChiaCow9: Well, thank f-ing goodness for you censoring your s--- talking daam yankees mouth.
ChiaCow9: Score one billion!
ChiaCow9: And the crowd cheers.
BamfGirl143: Yeah, whatever. Score negative 3 for trying to God-play.
ChiaCow9: lol.
BamfGirl143: Anyways, don't even get me started swearing. I have to type so goody-goody when I chat with you guys.
ChiaCow9: Man! You shoot off the swears when talking with your Beaumont friends?
BamfGirl143: Dude, I shoot off the swears when talking to most people that are not you guys and my parents.
BamfGirl143: I kind of shoot off in from of my dad. XP
ChiaCow9: Dang. Where'd you pick up the mouth?
BamfGirl143: Dunno. Just sort of came to me with my years of evolving, i suppose.
ChiaCow9: Though I've sort of gone beyond my own control myself come sophomore year.
ChiaCow9: Yeah... I guess that's the best way to explain it.
BamfGirl143: Me and Rebecca even think up our own swears to call each other.
ChiaCow9: Like what?.
BamfGirl143: Let's see, there's gay-fag, cock sucker... Rebecca has 'ass-jockey'...
BamfGirl143: and we use some off of the South Park movie as well.
ChiaCow9: Aw, you didn't make those up.
BamfGirl143: Yeah we did!
BamfGirl143: The first two, anyways.
ChiaCow9: People say "cock sucker" in reality, books, and the movies all the time.
BamfGirl143: no way, get out of town!
BamfGirl143: Nobody says that out here.
BamfGirl143: Oh! I forgot about cock jockey, one of my favorites.
BamfGirl143: We came up with it when I was talking to a guy called 'KJ' and he wouldn't tell me what it stood for.
ChiaCow9: Hmm... there's a running joke with my friends over the part of speech of the word "fuck."
ChiaCow9: It could be anything!
BamfGirl143: Like, fuck-fuckity-fuck-fuck-fuck?
BamfGirl143: Oh, yeah.
BamfGirl143: That word is so versatile, it's great.
ChiaCow9: Yeah, you could make it anything. "Fuck" is a noun, an adjective (fucking), a verb, and even an adverb (fuckingly :P )
ChiaCow9: Heh.
ChiaCow9: Fuckingly. That's my favorite.
BamfGirl143: 'fuckingly'?
BamfGirl143: That;s the first time I've heard that one.
ChiaCow9: Yeah. It's not used at all, but I use it.
BamfGirl143: My favorite would have to be 'Ass-raming Uncle fucker'
BamfGirl143: You use it?
BamfGirl143: Wow
ChiaCow9: That's horrible. You need to clean your mouth.
BamfGirl143: ^_^
BamfGirl143: I need to do a lot of things.