Title: We Borrowed Heaven
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sooyoung
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
It is the last act of the night.
All the actors are standing on the stage, hand-in-hand, with smiles that reach to their ears. Amidst the deafening applause, there is perhaps no cheer louder than that of the tall girl on the first few rows nearest the stage.
After the necessary congratulatory messages at the backstage and words of approval for her co-member, Sooyoung feels something warm enclose her wrist. She was pulled away from the throngs of people and finds herself in an empty dressing room face-to-face with a smiling Cho Kyuhyun.
“You came.” He says in between breaths, his forehead still glimmered from sweat. Whether from the performance itself or from running away from the people looking for him, she doesn't know.
“Of course.” Her answer is simple, the smile on her face more dazzling than the stage lights.
Kyuhyun pulls her close towards him and wraps his arms tightly around her lithe body. She pushes him playfully, a mischievous smile playing on her lips.
“Are you trying to make fun of our musical's title?” He whispers as he moves his face closer towards hers.
Her pretty features scrunch up in confusion and he smiles that smile of his that had sent a lot of girls flailing; that smile which he tried working on her but would immediately break into a goofy grin of perpetual happiness whenever she's around.
"Catch me if you can?”
The smile melts into a smirk and his warm breath fans over her skin as he leans forward.
“Baby, I already did.”
In the cramped space of that deserted dressing room, he kisses her like the way he does when nobody is around. He smiles as he basks on the thought that she is his and he is hers and nobody else's.
He loves him as much as she loves her and nobody needs to know.
A/N: It's been a while since I last wrote KyuYoung. I think I have lost my touch, if ever there was any. :)) This is a corny, mushy, ugh-inducing KyuYoung drabble. It's not much except that I wrote this with all my heart. For all the Knights. :) But I'll take this chance to specially mention the following: to
paperwwings, and
rizkiajunior for being born; to
kyuyoungster, for the plain fact that I knew someone like you; to
corpz0714, for the troll moments, and to
unknowntoyou18. Because she is a budat. Now and forever. :))) I love you all. :)