Step Closer

Jan 07, 2013 18:40

Title: Step Closer
Pairing: Yunho/Boa
Rating: G
Genre: Slight Angst

Ten, twenty years from now, Yunho would have finally built his dream house; a quaint two-story with blue-thatched roof and white picket fence. It would be in Gwangju, his hometown---because Yunho wants his children to grow up in the place where he also did. He would raise them well; help them with their homework and teach them how to dance. They'd have picnics and movie marathons; Sunday barbecues and summer camps. They'd be happy.

BoA would drop for a visit at least twice a month; late night beer sessions replaced with warm afternoons sipping tea while watching the children play. A smile would climb up his lips as he would watch them run towards her, arms outstretched.

"Auntie, auntie! Come play with us."

They would tug the hem of her skirt with their tiny hands and BoA would laugh that tinkling laugh of hers as she takes her godchildren and spin around in circles with them.

Thirty, forty years from now, BoA would have finally settled down. She would have found a good man that will take care of her. It would be hard to leave the place which molded her being so she would still be staying on the spotlight. Nevertheless, she would always do her best to draw the line between her professional and personal life---something she had already mastered at a young age. By then, Boa would have had her own kid; a spunky daughter with immeasurable will. She'd be intelligent, beautiful, and loving.

Yunho wouldn't be able to visit often but it's okay. He would write frequently to his favorite godchild and she would grow up listening to her mother's stories about the boy she cherishes dearly. She would hear of how awkward it was the first time Jung Yunho met Kwon Boa and how their unlikely start blossomed into a beautiful friendship.

Fifty, sixty years from now, she would have been good friends with his wife and he would also be the same way to her husband. Their children would have grown well and have even built their own family.

They would still meet and it would be more often than before. Time is of their bidding because they have already passed the prime of their years---the period when everything happens fast and ends too soon. She would invite him on some talk shows she is hosting and he would always be the one to fetch her when somebody from the old SMTown gang would call for a reunion.

They would be together listening to repetitive how are you, it's been a long time, and i'm sorry for your loss. Despite the years, they would still be each other's shoulder to lean on, hand to hold, and friend to depend on.

Seventy or so years from now, Boa would joke on how they had managed to live that long. She would be shorter, rather wrinkly, and wouldn't be able to sing like the way she does now. But she would still be beautiful and Yunho would always remind her of that.

Yunho wouldn't be able to move his hips without grimacing, the outcome of arthritis that had developed through the years. Boa would call him 'old man' as her way of teasing but she would always help him get on his wheelchair and move him around the house. They would be sitting on the porch staring at the afterglow of the setting sun as they reminisce memories of their youthful past.


"How do you imagine yourself years from now?"

When the question pops out of the blue after their seventh round of beer on one of their monthly drinking sessions, nobody speaks. Only the faint sound of the pub's slow, mellow tracks playing in the background is heard. They just sit there with their perfectly mastered smiles and let the silence consume them. Neither wanting to take the chance---to toe the line---and dare leave the comforts of a wonderfully crafted friendship for the sake of what the heart truly says.

Twenty, thirty, sixty, hundred years from now, I might still be loving you.

A/N: For sooriforever, blubtrflynflats, and everyone else who ships them. ♥

genre: angst, fandom: dbsk, pairing: boa/yunho, length: one-shots

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