Doc's going once, twice...

Aug 18, 2007 14:59

So, being the eternal pack rat, I came across a pair of Doc's that I really love. But I haven't worn them in about 7 years. When I wear them, I think I wore them a total of 6 times...I don't even think they formed to my foot, that's how little I wore them. Since I had Ty, they really don't fit me anymore, I can't bear to throw them out, and I think ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mellybean71 August 18 2007, 20:22:41 UTC
Waaa! I want them but I'm an 8.


tygrbabe August 18 2007, 21:25:32 UTC
ohohoh mememe!!


le_maistre_e August 19 2007, 17:38:46 UTC
Crap tygrbabe saw this first. But I'd only take them for the "ooo ooo I've got Docs" story factor. She'd actualy wear them and enjoy wearing them and look really hawt at the same time.


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