So I'm thinking of getting a new phone. This one's the one I'm looking at. If any of you know someone who has this one or know anyone that knows anything about it, let me know. Thanks.
Bethany! I just got this phone because my old one was really crappy, and I needed a new one. I really like it because it gets good reception, it has a decent camera, and it's easy to use, and very easy to personalize. I would definitly say that you should get it. Plus it's a really good size, and the way it is shaped it like cups your face when you talk on it.
Sidra's Rating: Two Thumbs Up!
P.S. And then we would have the same phone. P.S. do you have Verizon? Cause if you do then we can text for free!
Comments 3
Sidra's Rating: Two Thumbs Up!
P.S. And then we would have the same phone. P.S. do you have Verizon? Cause if you do then we can text for free!
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